Americans’ Apathy Towards the Environment

A reader from the San Francisco Bay Area sent me this article, which he said, “was buried within an article on other SF subjects. Thought you might be interested.”

Green vs. green: San Franciscans’ enthusiasm for going green with “clean energy” in their own homes appears to be about as flat as the economy.

A recent poll of 3,500 residents by the city’s Public Utilities Commission found that 52 percent would probably stay with Pacific Gas and Electric Co. That’s just 3 percentage points more than in a similar poll taken last year.

Those willing to pay “a little bit more” for clean wind and solar power declined to 37 percent, from 45 percent the year before.

And that’s after the estimated increase was dropped by more than half – from $14 more a month to just $6.

“There is a certain group of people who will buy organic or buy green, and others that don’t have an interest,” said PUC chief Ed Harrington. “We never thought it would be overwhelming, but there is a market.”

The poll was conducted to test the market for the city’s program. The Board of Supervisors is considering spending $19.5 million in startup funds on the project.

The plan calls for the city to contract with Shell Energy to buy the power, then deliver it through regular utility lines.


Yes, that is interesting. Thanks. I suppose it’s to be expected, though, as:

1) When people – any people – feel themselves to be under financial pressure, they can be counted on to be less generous, and

2) Americans put an extremely low importance on environmental issues. When we go to the polls this November, our concerns for the environment will be #16 in our priorities. As I wrote last week, Americans’ apathy towards the environment stands in stark contrast to the Europeans, who place this topic at the top of their lists.



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