What Happens When Everybody and His Dog Goes to Renewable Energy?

What Happens When Everybody and His Dog Goes to Renewable Energy?

Here’s an article on the ever-accelerating progress that solar PV is making, as costs continue to plummet. It certainly makes one wonder about the so-called “utility death spiral,” in which traditional power companies become unable to function, by virtue of customer defection in favor of PV (or methane fuel cells, or whatever else).

Pundits aren’t too worried about this, on the basis that we have plenty of time to figure out a solution. I’m not at all sure that’s true. And that’s the essential theme of my current book project (Bullish on Renewable Energy – Eleven Reasons Why Clean Energy Investors Can’t Lose), i.e., that pure market economics will soon hit a tipping point, at which time everybody and his dog will go to renewable energy.



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