From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Four Reasons to Use Propane to Heat Up Your Office Building

Four Reasons to Use Propane to Heat Up Your Office BuildingDuring the winter, many business owners use propane gas to heat various areas in different office spaces since propane is a reliable energy source. If you need devices that are energy-efficient, affordable, and convenient, you’ll benefit from equipping your office with propane-powered heaters.

Propane is Environmentally Friendly

If the temperature in your building drops dramatically throughout the winter, a propane-powered heater can help you increase comfort in different areas in a safe manner. When compared to traditional heating units, propane devices produce less greenhouse gases while in use. As a result, by placing propane equipment in every space, you’ll lower your energy costs and protect the environment. Propane doesn’t pollute the air or water because it’s non-toxic. If someone spills the gas accidentally, your employees won’t be at risked. The gas won’t cause any harm if it’s inhaled, so everyone can continue to work until the problem is resolved.

Propane is Efficient

Office managers who rely on electric heating equipment waste a lot of money because electrical appliances aren’t very efficient. Propane device are better since they run at an optimum level by generating and distributing heat in a strategic manner. Heaters that use propane have advanced components, so they perform well during lengthy heating situations.

Propane Provides Economical Advantages

The United States Department of Energy reported that propane users reduce their heating costs by 30 percent each year. In bathrooms, propane provides more benefits because it can heat a water tank within 20 minutes. Electric heating units are less efficient; on average, the heating process lasts for one hour.

Although propane uses less energy, it raises the temperature in an environment to around 115 degrees, which is quite comfortable. Electric heat pumps don’t provide the same benefits. They usually reach temperatures that are very uncomfortable.

Propane is Convenient

If you invest in propane heating equipment, you’ll never have problems keeping your office warm since the gas is readily available. Propane is made out of petroleum and natural gas in the U.S. After the gas is produce, it can transform into a liquid while it’s under pressure. As a result, propane can be used in multiple applications with ease. This is why Powerblanket and other companies are now making heating accessories for propane tanks.

A typical office building has various large spaces, so a proper heat source must be used to increase comfort throughout the winter. Propane is a great option because it’s clean, dependable, inexpensive, and convenient.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Four Reasons to Use Propane to Heat Up Your Office Building
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    The differences between different varieties of English make the article difficult to understand and evaluate. To many people, a propane heater is a small device, which may be portable, and is used to heat only a small area. The portable ones are dangerous because they are not vented. On the other hand, a furnace is a device which is vented outside and typically heats an entire building by means of hot air ducts, hot water radiators, or steam radiators.

    Presumably the article was geared towards areas where natural gas is not available. Natural gas heat emits less CO2 than propane heat and is usually more economical. Also, few companies or homes would be heated with propane where natural gas is available. And, in the U.S., burning natural gas in a furnace is the most common method of heating because most heavily populated areas are piped for natural gas. However, geothermal and air source heat pumps are becoming more common and can, depending on conditions, have a COP > 3 which gives them a fuel to heat efficiency greater than burning fuel directly for heat.

    It should be noted that burning either propane or natural gas is not necessarily 100% clean; combustion can create oxides of nitrogen which, when acted upon by sunlight, creates ozone.

    Actually, electric heaters are 100% efficient; fuel burning devices are not. However, because power plants which generate electricity are generally less than 40% efficient, the efficiency from fuel to heat is usually more than 2.5 times greater for fuel burning heating equipment.