Why Electric Bikes Are Cool

Why Electric Bikes Are CoolIn addition to all the practical considerations associated with the electric vehicle adoption curve, there is the “cool factor.”  But that’s a little nebulous, isn’t it?  The subject of “what makes something cool” has been studied exhaustively, and it’s unclear that we’re any closer to understanding it now than we were when we started.

One noncontroversial point: things that our society deems to be cool are not clunky, inconvenient, and unpleasant to use.  This is one of the reasons that tiny little cars are doing so poorly (they’re uncomfortable), and that electric bicycles are doing so well (they’re really fun to drive).

Linked above is a New York Times article that explores this very phenomenon.  Enjoy.

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One comment on “Why Electric Bikes Are Cool
  1. Breath on the Wind says:

    Nice article from the …. Los Angles Times … When I first saw the reference to the NYT I was a bit surprised as in NY E-bikes remain illegal to operate on the streets. That hasn’t stopped many many deliveries on small electric motorcycle like vehicles regardless of the law. It is just too perfect a vehicle for the use.

    Perhaps what is “cool” is something people can see themselves personally using or being associated with.

    Lots of these e-bikes seem to sport an “up-right” very easy posture rather than the more aerodynamic hunched over position of racing bikes. Something I consider “cool” at the other end of the spectrum are velomobiles and many of these are being electrified where it legal for the same reasons (to level the hills.)