Gauging the Implications of Trump’s Victory

Gauging the Implications of Trump's Victory I received a note this morning from a dear friend wondering if I shared the same sense of shock at the election of Donald Trump as she and her husband felt.  She went on to say that she believes that innovation can play an important role in getting us through the next four years.  I wrote:

Yes, I’m horrified by the implications of the Trump administration,  and I become more so with each successive cabinet appointment. 

As is usually the case, you are more optimistic about all this than I. The only thing the environment has going for it, IMO, is that the costs of renewables, efficiency solutions, electric transportation, etc. are becoming so attractive that regressive policies could possibly have a somewhat mitigated effect.  (This is the theme of my most recent book, Bullish On Renewable Energy, which is almost two years old, but I still believe it’s correct.)

It will be interesting to see, however, the enormous volume of rebuke of both Americans and the international community that will accompany the U.S.’s pulling out of the Paris Accord, the dismantling of the EPA, the revocation of the Clean Power Plan, the construction of new pipelines, the lifting of restrictions on pollution from fossil fuel plants, the opening up of federal lands to oil and gas exploration, the gutting of CAFE standards in transportation, etc.

In particular, with the nomination of Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil CEO and close friend of Vladimir Putin, as Secretary of State, we have a situation in which the “gloves are off,” i.e., all pretenses have been removed that the U.S. government has any interest in anything whatsoever outside of helping corporate America maximize its profits.  The sector that stands out as the chief beneficiary, of course, is the fossil fuel industry.  Along with the appointment of the new Attorney General and the incoming leaders of the Department of Interior and EPA, we have a dream team of climate deniers and champions of oil and gas.  They’re eager to get to work, in an effort to cinch a deal with Russia to extract easily-found crude in volumes that were undreamed of before the ascendancy of Donald Trump.  The oligarchy that is the U.S. is joining forces with the kleptocracy that is Russia, and the net result will be the dominance of petro-dollars for the foreseeable future.

Also, it will be stimulating to see how all these angry, ignorant white people react when they realize that their financial condition is worsened rather than improved by an administration that is, in fact, clearly anti-labor. Take for example the incoming Secretary of Labor, Andrew Puzder, CEO of Carl’s Jr. He makes 300 times the salary of front line workers, he’s against raising the minimum wage, and he’s working hard to replace counter workers with robots. Last year, in the state of California alone, Carl’s Jr was fined more than 6000 times for cheating workers in their paychecks. Puzder made $40 million last year, in  large part by grinding and gouging his employees who make $8/hour.  His advertisements depict pretty, young, scantily-clad women eating at his restaurants because, in his own words, “Ugly women don’t sell burgers.”  This is the man put into place to help make America great again by supporting the (male and female) working class.

In particular, the vast majority of Trump supporters will realize fairly soon that they’ve been conned. In fact, this outrage is already starting to manifest itself; we read more stories every day about retired middle-Americans who voted for Trump only to find out their new multi-billionaire Treasury Secretary presided over the foreclosing of their property (and thousands of others)  in the housing crisis. It’s pathetic.  (Of course, the super-rich have a new reason to celebrate with each passing day.)

On a personal note, I have to confess that this Trump thing has, to a degree, blunted my formerly keen enthusiasm for the progressive movement.  I’m not proud of this, but part of me takes the attitude that Garrison Keillor (pictured) presents here.   I.e., it’s the Republican’s baby now; I have four years to tutor my local high school and college kids, try to time the inevitable stock market collapse, clean out my garage, and jog on my beloved beach.

Yes, I know that this is precisely the opposite reaction than that called for by the activists whom I so admire, and I’m sure I’ll be able to write a few more uplifting pieces as the holidays approach, but right now I’m struggling to cope with the shocking truth as to what has happened to this once-great country and to human civilization generally.

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38 comments on “Gauging the Implications of Trump’s Victory
  1. marcopolo says:


    It’s not hard to be amazed by the unusual choice of appointments made by the incoming President as advisors on cabinet.

    In Westminster style governments, cabinet positions are often filled by individuals with absolutely know qualifications for the position, but they are at least elected legislators.

    Donald Trump is choosing the sort of people one might find as fellow board members with a commercial enterprise, but government cabinet positions require a very different set of skills.

    I know this will sound like sacrilege to you, and is certainly not politically correct, but Andrew Puzder is quite correct. Pretty, young, scantily-clad women, Handsome, sexy young men, do sell burgers and unattractive people don’t !

    Perhaps it’s tactless to say, but at least it has the virtue of being honest. The desire to be fair is admirable, but so is the need to be commercially responsible. The object of a burger chain is to sell burgers, not advance social mores.

    The expression “Every one is equal” , is absurd and unattainable hypocrisy. While ideally everyone should have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities, it’s ridiculous to pretend “everyone is equal “.

    Donald Trump’s followers don’t expect a high standard of truth and moral conduct the new President. They’ve grown weary of the sanctimonious, holier than thou hypocrisy of the professional political class. In Trump the see a person like themselves, imperfect, but willing to speak out against political correctness.

    They are tired of the endless compromising and genuflecting of American leaders to the likes of the Peoples Republic of China, they wants a guy to give them back the feeling of US leadership and power.

    Unfortunately, the only person brave enough to step up, confront and beat the media and baying pack of self-appointed moral guardians of society, was Donald Trump.

    The problem is Donald Trump, is not leading a team that can convert his “ordinary man” charisma, into an efficient administration to compensate for his limitations.

    Good government, is not as easy a running a business.

  2. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco Articulate as usual but very accepting of the Big CON Game being foisted upon our country.

    And those Dumb Bell types and angry types will RUE the day they Cast their LOT with this Serial CON Man …

    As the Chinese proverb says Be Careful what One asks for as One may get More than requested.

    Many Black Swans in store – will be hard not to be Collateral Damage

    There is a witch hunt being developed by trump agents to investigate members of DOE and EPA and go after career servants who were part of the carbon reducing policies and growth of green energy.

    People who worked on good policy for the country and the world may be singled out for punishment as the money flow from the KOCHS , ALEC and the other negative funders is seeking retribution.

    Marco these are not positive signs that can be articulately dismissed….

    How ever you will like it tht he seems to have more Pro nuclear ideas and wants to keep un economic plants open with Subsidies. His provlem is that the hard core Freedom Caucus and Tea Bag GOP Simpletons in Congress hate subsidies. So a internal clash will soon land into his Polluted Chalice Toxic as you claimed earlier.

    Dark but Interesting Times. 3 Goldman Sachs Executives in the Administration and he cares about working class people.

    Talk about a CON job A Big Con Job! on AMERICA !!!

    THIS IS A SELF INFLICTED CON jOB BY THE MASSES of Dumb Bell voters acting up AGAINST their own BEST INTERESTS. SIMPLETONS and MORONIC Reality TV in action !

  3. arlene says:

    I’m in the acceptance phase at this point. Doesn’t mean I agree with the hyperbole though. Some points.

    I’m loathe to borrow trouble from the future. No question what his various appointees have done in the past, but until they act on it, I’m in a holding pattern.

    Trump’s behavior has considerable similarity to a net troll. He likes to yell “fire” in the theater or tell someone that black is white, figuratively speaking. This would also suggest waiting on the actions yet to come.

    All of the post election polls have continued to show that his base doesn’t care what he does or doesn’t do. In the general case, there is true love. This is of course unfortunate because there will be little to no consequence of any actions.

    As far as world financial conditions are concerned, his administration is a non sequitor. There are massive forces at work that have nothing to do with his views or subsequent actions. Another 2008 type event of even greater magnitude is coming. Debt to GDP and debt to EV are greater than ever in history (world). USA is almost at WW2 levels right now. If TEA/Freedom caucus lets Trump do the necessary borrowing for his infrastructure pitch, I will be surprised. If they do go there, we will be well past WW2 debt and into record territory. So, will the GOP do the equivalent of a New Deal with massive spending? If they don’t, that might actually become a bur in the saddle of his base.

    Interesting times.

    • craigshields says:

      You make some good points, but I wonder how all the angry, ignorant white people are going to feel about Trump when the only people who succeed under his administration are the already-super-rich? These people are steamed already; wait till you see what happens.

      • Steve factor says:

        The new administration will once again focus on the consolidation of power and the consolidation of wealth. Another round of forclosures will allow home and business ownership to shift even more to the 1%. Continued gerrymandering and favored appointments will make the inevitable backlash less effective. The worst of the economic ruin will probably appear in year three, after pushing for a bit more gain in the house. The loss of recently foreclosed, sickened, uninsured and unemployed voters may not matter in 2020.

  4. Robert Bernal says:

    Renewable energy for 2020!
    By then, the trumpers will have grown up a bit and there’ll be even more support, along with even better science. Btw, we need a law that punishes incumbents for denying the constitutional requirement to advance the cause for science…

  5. marcopolo says:


    “denying the constitutional requirement to advance the cause for science…”

    Um,..just remind me again where that “constitutional requirement ” appears in the US Constitution ?

    I just can’t find any mention in the copy supplied by the US Embassy in London.

    • Robert Bernal says:

      I remember reading that the founding fathers promoted science… Might as well be in the constitution as far as I am concerned.
      You know, like Benjamin Franklin and his experiments with electricity. Only a backward nation would shy away from learning “a better way”, or cleaner, more efficient ways to do anything.
      Now, you’re not going to make me cherry pick it are you?
      Even if I’m wrong about science’s mention in the Constitution, or Bill of Rights, I am still RIGHT about the fact that we need to do whatever it takes to deal with anti-science establishment antics!

      • marcopolo says:


        For a guy passionately devoted to advancing science, you certainly have a most unscientific way of reasoning !

        Of course no such provisions appear anywhere in the US Constitution, the constitution makes no mention of science.

        Scientific research, in fact science itself, requires accuracy, and diligent adherence to authentication of facts.

        Not principles you seem to possess !

        (I think you are confused by the Constitution of UNESCO, which does contain declarations about science).

        So, if you can’t even get these basic fact’s right about science, why should anyone listen to you demanding “criminal prosecutions” for laws that don’t exist ?

        • Robert Bernal says:

          Did i say “criminal”?

          “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries”. Though the beginning towards patent law, this definitely counts for the argument that we need science.
          Perhaps, by extension, i get carried away, however you are definitely WAY off on your assertion that my (purposely) mis handling of legal matters is your right to denounce… And pounce. Yes, i knew that it wasn’t a law by itself…
          It appears to me that you are merely supporting the anti science trumpet (i like that term, too). You are a trumper (i didn’t think you were)?

          Science also requires dedicated support from the (supposedly) informed populace.

          Global warming (infrared forcing) is fact… Thus we need to continue research on climate change (which is the forced feedbacks effects that are much more difficult to quantify).

          Mere attacks don’t make one scientifically OR legally correct.

          • Robert Bernal says:

            Reading back, yes, i got carried away. “Whatever it takes” was not supposed to mean criminal prosecution, but could easily be construed that way (my fault). I guess it’s all about the voting populace constructively defending their right to saving the biosphere.

          • Frank Eggers says:

            Promoting science is not actually a constitutional requirement. However, the Founding Fathers were interested in science and aware of its importance, and not only Benjamin Franklin.

            Considering that the Founding Fathers favored the study and advancement of science, obviously it would be contrary to what they intended to eschew science. The manifold benefits we have received from the advancement of science surely indicates that it would be unwise to curtail its advancement.

          • marcopolo says:


            Hmmm…, I see,…that makes sense, I must be a Trump supporter because you make a claim you can’t substantiate ? !

            Ah, with logic like that, I think you’ve been you’ve been attending one too many of his rallies, you seem to have adopted his mode of reasoning (not I hope his tonsorial style ) !

            It’s important that we all strive to be as objective and accurate as possible. I my opinion it’s confusing passionate advocacy with science that has lead to the decline in respect for science, and an opportunity for populists like Trump, to gain credibility.

            By keeping it moderate, tolerant and most importantly accurate the scientific basis for environmentalism acquires integrity and credibility.

            That’s some times hard, but respect lasts longer than popularity.

          • Robert Bernal says:


            The style with which you countered is not all rosy, either.
            Please re-read your insults and realize that’s why I could easily construe trumpism…


  6. royhopkins says:

    We all have to realise that Democracy is not a perfect system….it makes regular mistakes: messy, maybe; but still better than all the other systems ever tried.
    In Trump’s case, we have made an incredibly bad mistake that will have serious consequences (I shudder at the thought of this egomaniac in control of the nuclear warheads) Without any doubt, he is the most un/under-qualified person ever elected to the Presidency. My analogy is that you can’t give a machine-gun to a 5 year-old and expect a happy ending: it is a totally unrealistic expectation. Same same with Donald J Trump: his inherent personal, business & political contradictions will tear his administration apart.. and I fear that the collateral damage will be immense, in many different ways. This administration will not have a happy ending. The upside of course, is that everybody will focus
    on what they can do to improve things locally; thereby mostly by-passing the Corporatocracy in Washington.
    Good on you Craig, for enjoying your life at this moment in time…it’s possible that the coming Shit Blizzard will push those leisures of life into the past.

  7. John says:

    The hay day for America so far has been the mid 60’s. Unfortunately that was mostly for the white male with a factory job or engineering degree. Back when insurance was provided as well as company loyalty being rewarded and essentially guaranteeing employment until retired. A house, 2 cars, stay at home wife, a country cabin, a fishing or skiing boat, and no problems affording college for the kids.

    Then the accountants grabbed hold and expensed out the insurance as a burden and HMOs and PPOs led to the demise of the insurance benefit for that segment living the dream. Employees began being treated as costs and their loyalty meant nothing. Why pay three old fogies past their prime when you could hire 5 entry level line workers or engineers? The “why” is the value of experience … but accountants won that battle and the decline was set.

    My dream for America is to relive the 60’s with the major exception being that this time everyone is participating in the dream.

    America became great based upon capitalistic principles. Do not waste anyone’s time trying to argue against that point. America’s wealth was so great that scams like the Federal Reserve and Social Security did no appreciable damage initially.

    The European plight was religious persecution as well and church and state being entwined. There was no “real” freedom to be had for the commoner. European “socialism” then morphed into more structured Communism and Fascism. But there is really no difference in socialism, Communism, Fascism, or modern day “progressives.” Think of socialism as the bread and pick between Communism and Fascism being peanut butter and jelly. They are one and the same sandwich and a sticky mess. Imagine if a “Socialist” ran for president in the 60’s! HA! Not a chance. The search was on for commie spies and fear of nuclear war. Bernie? Are you kidding me?

    Now we are imprisoned by almost insurmountable debt. Shame on all of us for not properly minding the store and the resulting economic chaos we now suffer. That shame should be doubled for the inept and corrupt politicians of both sides that steered the mighty US ship into the abyss. There is no honor passing debt forward. Disgusting! Do we really want to adopt the Chinese form of Communism? After all … they are rich enough to bail us out. Oh, but the progressives can mouth that all the little minions in America will be treated fairly? HA! I dare you to survey socialistic medical practice just to our north in Canada.

    It may be too late for resurgence in capitalism to save the day … but we should pray that it is not. Literally “pray” in the Christian sense. Religion is sadly just another form of imprisonment and essentially nothing more than the voluntary joining of a gang. The tax haven corruption of various organized religions needs to be cleaned up too. If you don’t understand the difference between being a Christian and being religious … then you need to study with open mind and heart. When you receive the gift you will know it. The usage of math with observation of our surroundings is science. When done properly truth is obtained about that sliver being observed. There is zero conflict between truth and intelligent design. Tip >> Scientists that argue otherwise have not received the gift.

    So to make America great again … we need to know how to do a proper risk assessment and return on investment. These misguided paths of solar and even wind energy are absurd. NAFTA and its highway are absurd. Uncontrolled borders are absurd. We need a business brain in charge and remorse the fact that a Ross Perot could have applied business principles to government in past decades.

    What makes those tick that try to sway the masses into enslavement and away from individual freedom? Are they scared to stand alone and need government to be their mommy? Do they see the big picture and feel they are losers and want to drag down society as some sort of retribution? Are they simply not competitive and self-motivated? They expend their energies tearing down instead of building up by demanding their “feel good” choices without one iota of economic justification. They need a reality check. Success has its rewards and being competitive is a prerequisite. Corruption is an option … as Al Gore and the Clinton’s enriched themselves greatly in the process of “literally” selling out the country. Aim at where you want to go. If you are a progressive and enjoy crying with like-minded losers … there are plenty of those. If you can pull more than your own weight … I salute you.

    • Robert Bernal says:

      Now what exactly is misguided about the continuing development of solar and its storage?
      To become closer to God is to refrain from religion and to understand his physics…

    • Robert Bernal says:

      I dared to take a look at Canada’s health system and it seems they spend less and live longer… Of course, from older info off of wiki.
      Too many middle men here in the U.S. inflating the costs. How much does a pill really have to cost? Science has made it possible for ALL such services and products to be far cheaper (and better). And it would seem that just a dollar extra would pay for the inventor, quite well, in the world of mass markets. From that perspective, it would seem technically possible to do the same with health care as with fire and police. However, the real problem is corruption within any social framework.
      Capitalism could turn into fascism just as socialism could turn into communist dictatorship.

      • Silent Running says:

        @ Robert

        No need to apologize – I did not take your comment as anti Constitution at all.
        I took it as you wanting more Science and Rules to implement more science and perhaps less watered down or moneyed down(bought off – lobbyist lies) faux science that gets peddled

        John who you responded to made some interesting points concerning the big picture . His assessment of the 1960’s as US ‘s hey day is not all off base , but the reasons we had a great economic and social upwardly mobile society from 1950 thru the mid 1970’s requires and is Worthy of a entire separate topic in my humble opinion IHO.

        You touch on our bloated , overly expensive and bordering on a inhumane medical system that costs more than any other developed Nation but treats less people.
        Our system costs around 16 to 19 % more in Overhead than the Federal Governments Medicare overhead of 4 to 5 % . All documented.

        1. The margin cost / profit spread is a brake on our economy. 2. A burden to businesses. 3. Creates an inflated fee schedule and medicine cost that restrict certain sectors of the public from being able to access the health care or more important the Preventative health care they need.
        4. We have tragic tales of under served people and seniors who cant buy food as they must pay so much for their medicines etc.

        And some of certain political and social persuasion think they have a Right to good healthcare. This group seems to be growing in numbers .

        What the Hell I Will say it – I believe that everyone regardless of wealth or ability to pay has a Right to good Healthcare in a just , modern and humane society that claims to be the Moral leader of the Universe etc.
        The irony is that we don’t live up to or practice our collection of Myths about how Great we are , blah blah blah.

        So I am in conflict with many out there but more and more folks who have educated themselves and can step out side their cultural conditioning and the everyone for themselves syndrome that plagues our society it seems.

        the fact we spend more than others but get less??

        That is the ultimate metric ! The rest is caught up in partisan ideology and Red Herring claims of a mythical free private sector for Profit model that costs us dearly and is a Brake on our economic growth and a Moral Hazard of Immense proportions!!!

        So yes Robert it costs way to much. And there are too many layers of middle men and layers of Greed and excess that we are Chumps to put up with.

        As Ghandi once said and this apply s to your comment directly:

        There is Enough for Everyone’s Need
        but never Enough for Everyone’s GREED !

        People who study other advanced countries health care systems and their National coverage plans run by Government find that we spend more and get less and numerous private sector and our government studies have validated this.

        These facts get buried down in Foggy Bottom and never see the light of day and rarely come up in political discussion on mainstream media. Now and then there is some attention paid to it but the Masters keep the politics real divisive so people follow along blindly like Sheeple that most of population is falling victim to Cruel Fairy Tales and distortions of Reality.

        Yes most of the American people should put their foot down and stop being Chumps!

        Maybe the Trumpet and the Anyn Rand disciples in the GOP congress will actually go forward with reducing medicaid and other aid for poor and trim medicare some too. That may be the moment the Morons out there stop and take note and deploy ACTION IF there is enough Backbone left???.

        You mentioned the cost of medicine pills and how much profit is enough?

        I know 3 people that are getting treated with a medicine that costs close to $86,000 with for profit private sector insurance for a regimen over 4 or 6 months.
        The same medicine in Egypt costs $ 600 for the same Regimen.
        Another Inconvenient truth about our FLAWED AND FAILING SYSTEM !

        So perhaps much of Capitalism as practiced today has evolved into Fascism ! Dr Richard Wolfe of UK a Economist who teaches in Boston and Harvard says this bluntly in some of his writings about the current state of Global capitalism.

        The Trumpet claims he is going to make America Great Again – but maybe what the Trumper really means he is going to make it even Greater for the Oligarchy Class that is running things now.

        Our great Run John is over, as the Sun sets on all Empires the signs are everywhere in the form of Longer and Longer Shadows across multiple sectors, but most people are Pretending to the End- its the American Way perhaps.

        Peaceful Holidays Robert and others

        • Frank R. Eggers says:


          At one time I opposed government funded health care. That was before I learned that some countries with government funded health care get better results at less cost. That knowledge undermined my reasons to oppose government funded health care.

          There are some significant, perhaps even serious, problems with the Affordable Care Act. However, it is to be expected that there will be problems with such comprehensive legislation. That is not an adequate reason to oppose it. Rather, it is reason to examine the problems and make changes to solve the problems.

          One does not replace a late model car simply because the windshield wipers no longer wipe the windshield properly. Instead, one simply replaces the wipers. Of course that is simpler than health care, but the principal is the same.

          • Silent Running says:

            Happy Holidays Frank

            We are in agreement Frank – After all the cost studies adn review of other Nations Healthcare systems – Government Health care is a good option.
            I concluded that years ago and have read over 25 years of various policy papers etc and the trend is there.

            Government run and controlled Healthcare for most of out needs makes economic, social justice and health improvement , health access justice for all. It would be more efficient.

            There should be some exceptions for special high end boutique medical services that stay in private sector and that prevents the system from being over run with costs etc.

            I know people from Canada who always tell the radio listeners that us Americans are stupid to allow private for profit health care structures in US to ration our healthcare. They always say they like what they have. Would not trade for our US profit driven excessive profit driven might I say system.

            Other callers from UK and Norway , Netherlands, Italy and France and Germany say the same.

            The exception is they come to America for high cost specialty treatment and that is what the US industry barkers always tout as some sort of failure in Government systems so they keep Americans BS into thinking our expensive system is better etc. etc. So the lie and confusion goes on.

            the exception to this is that some providers from mexico and India and other Nations are marketing to Americans now and people fly over to those places and get these specialized services etc. They get them at lower cost but I dont know specifics just hear people talk about it.

            Inconvenient Truth on Obama Care

            Obama care or the HCA was written to the tunes of 80 % of the Heritage Foundation plan. So it was a republicon oriented plan that allowed for continued heavy private sector insurance co profits and control etc.

            Thus one would think in a rational manner more there would have been Republicon congressional support for it or some votes for it.

            How ever due to intense political paralysis , infighting and the stated objective by GOP leadership in 2009 to under mine and not support Obama and to try and make him a 1 term President the GOP in masse refused to support or to offer any needed modifications aor improvements to it.

            Then the band of Governors joined together and prevented the expansion of Medicaid in 19 states thus limiting the number of people by around 30 million or so that did not join , thus the insurance risk pool was limited.

            Thi shas led to some of the cost issues and rising price issues etc. w Obama Care.

            Obama quit selling the plan and should have gone to the Air ways and pounded the GOp with exposing what they were doing.

            In Ky the ex DEM governor got Obama Care passed by changing th ename to KY Contect – and this lil name change placicated theose yes DUMB WHITE MORONS OVER THERE W hio are GOp misinformed. So they love KY Connect ( which is Obama care) but if you tell them to or ask them to support Obamacare they will Shun you, scream socialism and the usual Red State Moronic rants of ignorance etc etc etc !!!!

            This example Frank illustrates multiple issues that exist pervasively in the US.

            A under informed , ignorant and Mal informed electorate and dube population now.

            So Obama Care was undermined by all this type of stuff/.

            Obama Care has problems and needs some reforms and improvements. So why did n’t the GOp step in and helpt to improve it and fix it ?????

            they calim to represent the US worker and the people and claim high levels of Patriotism etc etc

            All part of their big Ruse of the public the CON game they are.

            People suffer , now the program is sufferring and the public has a bad taste in its mind for any Governmental efforts to control medical costs.

            So Subversion has worked to a degree much to the detriment of the American Population.

            Our Corp Press owned and supported by AD revenue never goes into all these Truths and Facts , just like they never do the same on so many Issues now. The Truth is not what they want the public to know. We are conditioned for corporate control of our lifes ,plain truth period the reality of the Corporate US State of Dis array!

            It is well documented that a National Medicare for all system with everyone in it and some sort of set aside for so called specialty boutique medical procedures ( non life threatening – like plastic surgery for the rich , etc. ) that is private for profit WOULD BE THE MOST COST EFFICIENT , TAX EFFCIENT AND MOST HEALTH CARE ACCESS Social Justice program going.

            Doctors depending on specialty are put on decent salaries and people would make good money but not become filthy rich like the current system creates and allows for at the expense of affordability.

            Small Example Frank – Doctors make good money , hide behind tax breaks, take profits and build a Imaging system , make profit there , then use more money to create a Imaging consultancy that reads the tests, make more money there off the same patient. Then they own the RE Hab center and make more profit off the patient again. And on and on it goes.

            The insurance Co’s and Big pharma are in on the Big Scam and do similar etc.

            Medicare for all would put providers on decent salaries depending on specialty and years of service and people

            Many Doctors who are decent folks have told me. Under a properly structure Medicare System They would make a good living, not have to be slaves to the bank to pay for equipment , liability insurance , tax accountants , over head etc. Resources spent on insurance paperwork processing and all the other un necessary Over Head would go away.

            Quality of Care for all would go UP. Emergency
            Room costs would Plunge!

            Medicine woul dbe about health care and not about a Pyramid of Corporate and C Business Profit schemes that have more to do about making money than they do about making people well.

            Our tax dollars under the current systems provide most of the R & D of new drugs its all disguised under a complicated reporting system so we let Corporations run off with the false claims they have spent all this money developing things when most of it is done by Governmental funded research at Colleges etc with our collective Tax money.
            Just another complex scam of a rigged Economic and Social system in the US.

            Countless Professionals and Watch dog groups have exposed these facts over the years but there debate does not begin and the majority of the public is under informed and mis led as I have said.

            Maybe we could learn from Germany dont know for sure. And the National Health care of Canada and UK do have some problems but most of that is due to tax cuts and the desires of the rich or the corporations to claw back some of the profit and under mine the systems etc. A real analysis would be in order so we could avoid some pit falls.
            Germany which has a private sector insurance model of sort but integrated with Government structure ( dont know the details) seems to have the best of both worlds. Not sure. Health care is not my field

            but I learn from reading, Doctors and Experts who have all said People who get into being a Doctor should do it for health care and Not to Get Rich and Amass lots of Real estate and other benefits from the high prices and yes profits that is baked into our current inhumane health system.

            That is the bottom line Are you in it for Health care or to get Rich. That is the question.

            Trumpet and the GOP have a Big Challenge now they Bashed and Demonized Obama Care and they dont have a Plan to replace it and the public most likely will turn against them if they Fail to come up w a decent replacement
            But as many of other commentators have said most of trumpers supporters voters dont care , they just are acting on rage blind rage or something. But I say the back lash will be huge if the replacement for Obama care is not good.

            At least Obama tried to do something but his mistake was compromising on the front end so soon. He should have gotten some GOP inclusion votes. Etc.

            He should have been on TV Selling Selling Selling like ronald mc donald reagan did and he dazzled and mesmerized america for 8 years with bad policies due to Selling on TV.

            Obama a good man , smart but he lacked real common Sense and Street Smarts and that is the undoing of his 8 years. I say that as a supporter but with critical analysis Sad but true.

            So its Trumpet time at Bat what will he and the GOP do ? Can they handle the Real issues now and deliver for America ??
            The solution is Medicare for all 4 to 6 % over head versus 16 to 1`9 % for private sector profits over head – the results of multiple analysis over 25 years or so.

            We could make America more Competitive with Foreign countries with Government Health Care ! Another Inconvenient Truth or Fact !

            Our businesses know this the Corporate leaders but the Corporations in the health care game have bribed our Senate and Congresspersons and they are all in a negative CABAL of lies and profits

            So trumper now must deal with these realities if he is to try and make america great again,

            Many voices know the answer to this questioner slogan – it was just a Slogan! Empty Slogan for the Masses of Mis informed electorates etc.

            All BETS Off !

            Frank I commend for your evolving position on health care most Americans are in bondage to all the mis truths and lies and cant see their way thru the FOG.

            I myself have evolved as have most of the people I know even my two prime doctors who say Enough is Enough !

            Happy and Merry Christmas to you in Albuquerque.

  8. Silent Running says:

    @ Arlene

    Well written and good insights in your Post.

    Your forecast of a major market correction and serious economic contraction parallels what many sources are saying last 2 months. Some have echoed dark forecasts much longer.

    The Pain this time may break many working class and middle and lower economic strident people who never really recovered from 2008.
    Yes more economic and social consolidation and deepening divides across our socio economic stratums.

    Steve summed it up well. Deep Gerymandering has locked us in to destructive policies going forward.

    While there are many Negative Forecasts on where this is going it is premature at this point to draw lines in the Sand because the Sands are moving …..How much is showmanship or hard ideology is not certain right now but definitely lots of Smoke rising…

    As David Stockman the Reformed Supply Sider of the Trojan Horse Reagan ERA Follies says all the economic indicators like Arlene pointed out are deeply going RED and Not sustainable. The level of Derivative Debt Globally is shockingly high as well. close to $ 70 trillion .
    He long ago apologized to the american public for his role in the cheer leading and technical shepherding of our political / economic and social systems during the reagan era.

    He renounces it all now and says the Train left the tracks long ago but now the political structure is so compromised it will be hard to chart a new Narrative and Corrective Course. Last week he gave a 1 hour interview on the debt and the lack of a balanced and serious economic plan going forward.
    He like others have said a restructuring of Globalism and Economic policies is in order. The only way to increase demand for goods and services is to get wages rising again so anti 1 % changes are needed but the 1 % now rule just about everything so they may see no need to correct their Race to the Bottom strategies.

    The issue s will surface in a year or so get ones house in order if one has the ability !

    Arlene may be right the supporters of trumper may not even care as they are blinded by their so called anger and sense of loss of privilege , place in the New world disorder. They have been voting against their own interests for so long they cant see thru the Fog most likely at this point in time.

    As Stockman and others have said All Bets Off….have to see how some things play out in next 6 months. There will be some Mighty Convergence of Conflicting Forces and it could be real painful and ugly.

    Or perhaps the magic of market may disrupt the accession of Trumper into the Presidency if this CIA / FBI ? Congressional investigation into Russian involvement with the election has some real Legs and Teeth it may lead to the establishment republicons pushing trumper aside for a mainstream person of their liking and mold?

    Maybe that is the real plot!

    But the tone and track record of his appointments thus far set a clear agenda that is in conflict serious Conflict with the Spirit of 2 Green Energy website.

    And it is written throughout History that Leopards dont lose or change their Spots !

  9. florine gabai says:

    The gov’t SHOULD service the general public interest. When, as often is the case, it does not then it is the public’s – that means all of us- responsibility to be Pro-active by a massive change in behavior and ‘marketing’ ones views! If clean energy is cost efficient, user friendly, and Popular it’s almost irrelavant what the gov’t will do.

  10. Frank Eggers says:

    Surely it is way too soon to panic about a Trumpet presidency.

    Of course many people who voted for Trumpet will realize that they made a serious mistake when Trumpet’s policies hurt them. But senators and representatives who support Trumpet’s damaging policies would be hurt the next time they have to face the voters. Surely they realize on which side their bread is buttered. Thus, we should not assume that they will support Trumpet’s agendum or approve those whom he has nominated for cabinet positions. Even now some Republican senators and representatives are showing signs of being uneasy with Trumpet’s actions and cannot be counted on to support all of Trumpet’s policies blindly.

    It is fortunate that with the American system of government, presidents are able to select cabinet members from a huge pool thereby making it possible to select people who are highly qualified for the positions they will be holding. Of course that does not mean that presidents will actually select qualified people, but at least they are able to do so. The Senate has the power to reject unsuitable nominees. Of course that does not mean that they will reject unsuitable nominees, but at least they are able to do so. Obviously no system is perfect, but I much prefer it to systems which require that cabinet members be selected from elected representatives. Also, when cabinet members have to be selected from elected representatives, they no longer have the ability to represent adequately the people who elected them.

    We can speculate what will happen, but we’ll just have to wait and see what actually happens.

    • marcopolo says:

      Hi Frank,

      You raise an interesting subject in contrasting the system of an Executive president with an un-elected cabinet, and the “Westminster” style of government with an elected cabinet.

      Quite rightly, you point to the advantage of a President able to select cabinet position from a wide pool of citizens. The safeguard against despotism, or a really disastrous appointment is Congress, and Constitutional restraints.

      But advantages exist within the Westminster system. The Westminster system ( Not counting the UK’s unique House of Lords)provides for cabinet members to be elected and responsible on a daily basis to cabinet colleagues and fellow parliamentarians.

      Cabinet members are not only answerable to the electorate, but under scrutiny from fellow parliamentarians on a daily basis.

      Both systems work because of the traditions and conventions that have evolved to support the systems.

      In the Westminster system Prime Ministers are often forced to tolerate opponents within cabinet and learn to cooperate accordingly. Ministers can change, (even Prime Ministers )without a change of government.

      Ministers, even Prime Ministers, neglect constituency duties at their peril, although most electorates are proud to have a minister as a local MP.( Ministers are also usually selected from pretty ‘safe’ seats).

      “Westminster” usually works best in a Constitutional Monarchy, where a hereditary Monarch acts as the guardian of the Constitution, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief.

      Both systems only work with the common consent of the people.

  11. Silent Running says:

    @ Everyone There seems to be a Common thread in our Postings.

    We are not in the Trumpsters corner – love that Trumpet name Frank- that is cool one!
    Perhaps a Tisket a Tasket a Trumpsters Trumpet Dark Empty Basket!

    As most of said we are concerned and very Rightly so but too early for final outcomes but All Bets Off and Good Outcomes will have Limited opportunity most likely.

    Today the Trumpet picked the Texas loser Ricko Perry O the Texas Redneck and Poster Child for cultural Ignorance and other flaws to deep and wide for this commentary for Energy Sec. So shades of things to come.

    Like unrestricted Fracking, loss of individual property rights , less over sight and you can Bet ol Rick w get his guns and put on his boots and phony cowboy hat and Pony Up to N Dakota and lead the charge to over run the Native Americans.

    Coming Attractions stay tuned Cultural Clashes on the Horizons

    As Roy said a S….Blizzard Season is the forecast …its only just begun…

    Deplorables everyone of them they know who they are!

  12. Silent Running says:

    @ Robert Bernal

    Right On in your response to Marco’s constitutional issues….

    You Stand your Ground of Principle! that is more important than some out dated document written in a time of horse and cattle and firewood with most of the Public Illiterate ta Boot! .

    • marcopolo says:


      I hope you were just being sarcastic, the US Constitution forms the legal and structural basis for your nation and society.

      It’s what keeps you safe. That’s why every American official, service personnel, even citizens pledge an Oath of Allegiance to that document.

      It’s also a living document containing continuous up dates and amendments reflecting the needs of an expanding and changing society.

      It’s a safeguard against Tyranny, Anarchy and Oppression, not something for Americans to lightly disrespect.

      (but I took your remark as being sarcastic)

    • Robert Bernal says:

      Didn’t mean to demean the Constitution…

  13. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco

    Yes I was being somewhat Sardonically Sarcastic – on the US Constitution.
    As you said it is supposed to be a Living Document and evolves however there are many in certain groups who see it as a Iron Clad rigid document that should be left alone. To avoid needed social or political changes they resist the change by saying Its Not In the constitution and we will not stand for any more tinkering of the Founding Fathers.

    Blah Blah blah you know who these folks are …I leave off their label to avoid being too Partisan.
    So I would wager you that change is often very slow indeed due to Intransigence on the part of these ultra conservatives that usually just have a moeny oriented or some social conservative position from a Time Long Past and now Irrelevant so they say its not in the Constitution and stop change or modifications.

    I think you took Robert Bernals comment out of place as he was saying we need to ensure thru the constitution that Science and its important role in our life should be encouraged. And if it takes Constitutional means so be it.

    That is what I agree with the need to encourage and not discourage science. This goes beyond clean energy its about science solving pressing issues around food and health and water .

    The Trumpet ( Franks term is cool) seems to be playing To the tune of the anti science fact deniers that proliferated in number and noise over the past 16 years. Many of his appointments are appeasing that Wing of the GOP – mostly trying to deny good science and sound physics and all other forms in efforts to protect certain Vested Monied Interests – at any cost.

    Denying and Restricting research both its funding and its results . Numerous cases of this.

    In most cases the forces that are doing this denial and restriction are out of step with the greater population . So they are going against the Will of the People.

    Numerous parliamentarian tactics are employed to limit honest debate and in fact make it even harder to have a debate.

    The Trumperian ERA will most likely feature many examples of Denial of the Truth ….so keep your seat belts fastened and yes Robert we need more Science and less ignorance or financially tainted rules that restrict real Progress .

    Perhaps the people will respond like Florine Gabai said in her Post, when not served properly the People then need to assemble and Push back and organize for what they want.

    Clean energy will survive and grow because its Benefits greatly out weigh its costs- The costs are to the purveyors of dirty energy and the loss to their revenues.

    Its all about the money split folks- who is going to get the cash . Carbon or Green Clean ?

    Stand you ground strong!

  14. Silent Running says:

    @ Craig

    Franks, Marco and Robert B

    Franks, Robert B and Mate Marco latest Posts to this topic are not posting in the order of their comments. ?

    There are 3 after my last entry where are they?

    Robert Stand your Ground your intention is obvious – you too seem to be enchanted with Frank E Trumpet term label!

    It fits with Trumper – as for Mate Marco – he might not be a real committed Trumper himself but he tends to want to apply tight judicial interpretation to every word or term we use in our discussion.

    While he seems to be in a Acceptance lets move forward mode re the Trumper I don’t think Mate Marco is a real committed Trumper.
    He tends to defend all positions across the Field of Topics so maybe he Fly’s Too Many Flags?? Perhaps or its just his style of engaging in contentious debate!

    We are Blessed that it seems there are few Trumpers or Trumpets visiting this site.

    Going Forward we will have a Avalanche of Issues coming forth as the Trumpet and his collection of Trumpers try to roll back the Progress our society has made in many areas.
    Its all a deflection from their primary goal of further enriching themselves at the expanse of others. The Trumper M O

    Robert they are already preparing to harass or shut down career scientists in the D O E Dept. So at least the trumper and gang are not trying to masquerade things Yet. That comes later . Their attacks will be extensive on Scientific Truths a Shame but its a Goofy Goofy World we live in.

    We should all start a Swamp Watch Checklist – first sightings is that the Waters and Swamp is Expanding!!!! More Trumpet Swamps will follow!!!

    Holiday Wishes to All

  15. What is. GOP. ??? I live in New. Zealand. Roger. Senior

  16. Silent Running says:

    @ Frank

    I concur with you that it is long past time for a Governmental type health care system in the US. Something like Medicare for all would be the most cost and humane effective solution.

    Medicare has 4 to 6 % over head now ( this would go down with out all the insurance co bs and paperwork) versus the 16 % to 19 % Over head private f profit fragmented system we now have.

    Health care or access to it should not have to Over come Bloated $ 2 Billion a year Salaries , Bonuses , False stock values and Payments for Healthcare Executives etc etc .

    Enough is Enough is what informed fair and balanced folks who care about others have been concluding f years now.

    Obama Care had flaws , it did not get any bi partisan support which served to under mine it. Obama gets good grade for trying to implement a business friendly program ( it was written by Heritage Foundation – conservative think Tank – it works in Massachusetts ps dont let any one know Rommney passed it) .

    Obama who I like, failed over the 8 years due to unparalleled obstructionism by the GOP etc. Very Un American too. The public suffers as a result but they are clue less and keep under their puppet masters control with their mis directed votes etc.

    Obama should have been Selling the program and educating the masses on TV as the master of ceremonies of smoke and mirrors reagan did for 8 years using TV to fool the public. He mesmerized the public into blindly accepting bad policy.

    Obama’s failure in my MHO is that once he learned of the Baked in GOP intransigence and Real opposition to his Presidency and that it was really a organized effort to Under mine and obstruct his presidency ;

    Well he should have gone into Over Drive with public education and ongoing campaign to sell sell inform sell his programs and expose his oppositions bad positions. that lack of REAL fight and Street Smarts is my disappointment in him.

    But he wanted to be the great conciliatory etc and he played into the gop traps and the results are where we are at. Too much of a peaceful gentlemen and so Obama care became a victim to obstructionism etc. Compromised away his political capital w the public.

    It needed improvements, going in all programs do but the gop never never once stepped up for America and worked to make it better.

    Again a missed Selling point for Obama but he and his over educated staff of elitists ( people who have never really worked hard in industry and are Street smart ) just did not respond to the needs of public to learn about how to fix it etc.
    Yes in certain states it went welkl but only where support by State was given like Cal and Illinois, NY etc.

    So the trumper now he as to deal with it and all the screaming he and the gop did for 7 years will now have to be put to a test what will they do ? does trumper even know the details or cares ?

    or the complexities involved , I doubt is Seriously Frank.

    Good for you that you Evolved on Governmental Health Care many of us have and my 2 doctors say the same. They would rather get paid a decent salary from Government and then concentrate on helping people and not struggle to pay off all the over head of running a medical practice and incur so much investment in equipment, form a partnership to own other facilities so that they are forced to charge more , spend less time with patients and deal with all the un needed insurance and pharmacy issues , self insurance all of it.

    Trumpet will probably do the same bs on TV and he got away with it to get elected so I expect more of the smae.

    Trumper will have to Stand and deliver on healthcare now with his gop lap dogs , they are on the Spot as one says. They demonized Obama Care for years and did nothing to help improve it etc. Just negative.

    So now it is Show Time !!! what will trumpet do ?? What magic tricks do the gomers have up their wallets this time.

    Already some of the more sane gomers are saying it may take 3 years for them to figure out how to fix Obama Care.

    Their Obama care denunciations RABID AND EXCESSIVE FOR 7 years are standing at the foot of the Rubicon Bridge perhaps, they now must get serious and do real reform or something .

    They cant pretend and hide behind empty mean slogans any more. Put up or Shut Up time!

    What will trumper do?? Maybe his buddy the communist Putin has a plan that trumpet will use???

    Maybe Frank

    These and many other serious issues remain in front of us – is the trumper up to resolving these things like he claimed – The Trumpet blew out some Strong Proclamations and simple tunes but soon we will learn if they were just more Broken Fragmented Notes from the gop trumpet masters !!!
    Happy Holidays & peace to You Sir

    • Frank Eggers says:

      @ Silent,

      I agree that the failure of Obama to educate the public adequately about the Affordable Care Act was at least partly the cause of resistance to it. In many respects I think that, considering what he was up against, Obama did very well, but for some reason he didn’t seem to understand the importance of educating the public.

      Way back in 1972 I started working for Univac. One of my coworkers hated his job and hated working for the company, but he could not leave. He had developed diabetes and if he changed companies, he could not have taken his group health insurance with him. Because his diabetes would become a pre-existing condition, he would not have been able to get health insurance if he had gone to work for another company. That seemed to be a common problem.

      I also learned that if a hospital patient is not insured, the fees charged by hospitals tend to be much higher because individual patients lack the bargaining power that insurance companies have.

      I wonder whether those opposing the Affordable Care Act are aware of the above problems.

  17. Frank Eggers says:


    One thing we sometimes hear here in the U.S. is “That government is best which governs the least….”. Here is one link; you can find others:

    There is some doubt about its origin, but in this context that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that it is widely believed and greatly influences our political system. Way back in the 1950s it was widely said that the federal government was so extremely inefficient that anything funded through Washington lost at lest 1/3 of the funds through bureaucratic overhead. That also influenced politics and still may.

    There is also the idea that somehow we should return to an era when rugged individualism prevailed. Of course that is unrealistic in these modern times when the percentage of people who live in rural areas and on farms is very low.

    Understanding how other people think is helpful when introducing new ideas and programs.

  18. Silent Running says:

    @ Frank thanks for two good posts I align much with you and what you said.

    I do think the FEDs do a better job delivering value when allowed but the agencies have been cut up so much and they cant deliver like they once did.

    The GOP from 1973 and the Powell document which was a blue print for taking over everything well it described how to make government not work well so the public could be more easily turned against it.

    That program is in full swing now and has done great damage to many. Where it goes dont know.

    On Obama Care I think and I have said it myself Obama did not sell Obama Care well at all. American people must be brought along.

    I criticze him but also support and offer some sort of deep understanding for what he faced being the first Black president. He had to wlk a fine line. He was faced with strong opposition some of which was veiled racism for 8 years.

    He tried and he did some good things. But one has to get out and mingle with the public and not just at election time. he needed to work on Congressional and Senate relations and he should have had barbecues with Michelle s vegetables from the Garden served too.

    There are some good things in Obama Care but GOp opposition , they cant let a government program work then their Big Lie that government is no good will be Exposed for the Big Lie they tell and sell.

    so that is the depth of our internal conflict in America our political system is just about winning at any costs , taking care of the people is not the priority for our politics.

    SAD not right.

    Trumpet what is he going to do now that he is in . His slogans conflict with long established practices ?

    These issues are more complicated than his slogans.

    So watching him carve out new directions may be interesting if not depressing at the same time. My expectations are LOW.

    That story about your co worker staying on a job because of illness is a story many have lived. Obama Care addressed that well.

    I think the GOP will go about changing Obama Care with much trepidation and their chants of kill it will tone down as the realities set in as well as the next election fears might force them to craft some better form of health care who knows. Stranger things have happened.
    If Government did not work then there would be No Internet and lots of high tech gadgets we take for granted now as most of these big things came down from Government. Government created a foundation for great entrepreneurs to carry forward into the large successful high tech industries that thrive today. The difference now is these companies dont want to pay a fair level of taxes to sustain our level of living etc. Some how selfishness settled in and everyone is just trying to maximize their golden eggs and not Grow the Entire Basket of America.
    the way I see things.

    Rugged Individualism is no longer practical for a modern interconnected society and is out dated at Best! Surely it would not lead to Greater achievements for the Country’s Basket.

    Many of the so called Red States receive much more money from Washington than they pay into as Rural America is shrinking. They are more Dependent than their inbred mental and cultural perspectives realize. They are subsidized by the cities and the big Blue States and this is a matter of Record a FACT !

    The only exception is Texas and that is because of Oil and Gas and the many large Federal Facilities in Texas as well as close to 25 million people that create strong economic input into the economy etc. These are facts.
    Many parts of Rural Texas like in NM are poor and struggling. they ride the fracking boom and suffer during the Busts periods like now. Same in other states .

    La trumpet will have to deal with this reality very soon.

    Obama should have been more engaged with the public he is good in person and can Win people over – he did not Play his strong cards enough in my opinion.

    Now we see what the trumper will do seems like a power grab by the wealthy elite and a creep towards Corporate Fascism ….lets hope not this Russian Hacking into the election is serious threat to all America once stood for. Even reagan would turn in his grave over this stuff.
    What do you say Frank??