From Guest Blogger Emma Joyce: How to Achieve the Look of Sustainable Design

How to Achieve the Look of Sustainable DesignWith all the new trends in interior design, one often wonders what is that lasting quality that categorizes a look as “in” or “our” at any given moment. And not everyone’s wallet is meant for annual décor changes, simply because trends often bring costly new ideas, which will then fade as different decorating fads take their place.  

However, the process of combining modern and classic styles offers a variety of solutions precisely for achieving the effect of timeless without having to repeatedly alter everything about your home. There are a few key steps for finding the right balance, and soon enough, your home will surpass the notion of trends with its timeless beauty.

Timeless is Meaningful

Your home should always emit a sense of purpose through every selected piece. Whether that purpose is purely functional, as when you pick out a kitchen cabinet set that suits your cooking and storing needs, or you wish to preserve a memory by displaying a framed photograph, your space should evoke emotions and provide a sense of meaning.

Use the core principles of minimalism to avoid over-cluttering, as unnecessary decorations will suffocate the space and serve as empty distractions. Steer clear of oversized furniture, especially with loud patterns, and colors that seem to be trendy only for a year. Adding a splash of a fresh hue into your home can be easily done with one or two carefully selected accessories, or by renovating an old piece you already possess. This way, the feeling of intention and aim will elevate your home above the typical notion of passing trends, and will safeguard its inherent value.
Timeless is Classic

Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans left us an invaluable heritage of enduring artistry, with their refined sense for serene, but powerful beauty. You can incorporate unique architectural shapes to replicate this classic style, add towering columns and opt for elegant stripes that will turn your home into a gem.

However, to avoid a sense of cold detachment that such a powerful setting can produce, add several soft-colored, pastel or even vividly colored accessories to ensure charm and warmth. A set of armchairs made of natural fabrics such as linen or wool, depending on your overall design, a few decorative wall clocks, or perhaps a few lively throw pillows and you will easily bring the room to life.
Timeless is Neutral

Resist the temptation to turn your living room into a theme park. Use a neutral palette of soft colors such as beige, plain white or ivory as the basis of your décor, and you can use throws, pillows and other items to accent the current mood, or add a refreshing pattern from time to time.

By using a single tone to serve as a foundation, you can focus on picking out details that will give your home personality and charisma. Lamps, paintings, coffee tables, curtains or rugs always have a place in any era, but can all be renovated, painted, or replaced if you decide to change the style of your home. Likewise, it’s impractical to overcrowd your space with gimmicks and accessories, and using too many different colors, fabrics and patterns will change the essence of your style beyond recognition.

Details are there to accent a personal preference and give your home the feeling of being assembled over a longer period of time. Whether it’s just a drop of a vibrant color, a touch of a new material or a full-blown redesign, a strong foundation with a keen eye for detail will bring your home a breath of fresh air. This allows for effortless combinations of vintage and modern elements that will give your home a seamless balance.

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