From Guest Blogger Ron Robbins: How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient–Five Green Products

Home Energy EfficientIn the day and age where making your home energy efficient is critical, it comes to no surprise that as a homeowner you’re looking for ways to not only help the planet but to save some money while you’re doing it.

The easiest way to do this is to make a few updates to your home simply. Take a look at these five surprisingly simple updates you can make to save money and energy consumption in your home.

Green energy products

1) Whole house fan system

Many people are confused when they hear the term whole house fan system when in truth, a whole house fan system can do quite a bit of good for your home. Provided you’re located in a climate where the outside air is cooler than in your home such as California’s central valley; a whole house fan system is primarily installed in your attic.

Once turned on, it actively pulls air from outside through open windows, into the house, then through the air vents and into the attic. From there, it’ll pressurize your attic so that it forces the hotter air through attic vents. This system not only helps reduce your heating and electrical costs, but it tends to pay for itself faster than almost any other green energy product on the market today.

2) Wind generator

When people talk about installing a wind generator for their home, the first thing that comes to mind is installing a massive wind turbine in your backyard. However, this doesn’t have to be the case! Did you know you can purchase smaller versions for your home?

It’s true. Although the price can vary greatly depending on the type of system you want to install, you at least have the option of purchasing a kit and paying for its installation or do what other savvy homeowners have done and build your wind generator from parts at the local hardware store.

Either way, you’ll enjoy savings on your energy bill from anywhere ranging around 10 to 15% on upwards of 90% off your monthly electricity bill.

3) Energy star HVAC system

If you’re finding you HVAC system is in need of more and more repairs or is only draining your pocket from inconsistent performance, it may be time to consider investing in an AC replacement. But don’t just install any HVAC system, focus on an Energy Star HVAC System.

Although purchasing an AC system up front is a big investment, you’ll quickly notice it was well worth the expense once you’re living in a comfortable environment with less spent on your monthly energy bill.

4) Rainwater harvesting system

An incredibly simple upgrade that can be completed as a weekend project, installing a rainwater harvesting system that collects water via the gutter from your rooftop and into a barrel for later use can save you lots of money on your monthly energy bill.

Granted we wouldn’t recommend using this water for cooking or drinking. However, it’s great for watering the plants in your garden, your lawn, or even for flushing toilets.

5) Water softener

When hard water goes throughout your home via your water using the appliance, it contains high levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Over time, these crystals begin to collect and create build up such as limescale which can damage your appliance by causing them to use more energy than what’s necessary to push your water through the pipes.

By installing a whole house water softener, you essentially eliminate the passage of hard water and these minerals from the ground and into your home which protects your plumbing and appliances. This not only extends the life of your appliances, but it has many other improved benefits such as softening the feel of your skin and hair, as well as enhancing the taste of your food.

Which of these products do you have in your home? Were the updates worth the investment for you?

Ron Robbins is the owner of Clicta Digital, a virtual Denver SEO agency. We provide businesses with digital marketing services and specialize in getting them highly targeted leads. Are you ready to be seen online?

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Ron Robbins: How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient–Five Green Products
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    The benefits of water softeners are a bit iffy. Removing calcium and magnesium salts from water has benefits but unfortunately there are also down sides which should not be ignored.

    Water softeners work by replacing calcium and magnesium salts with sodium chloride, i.e., salt. That means that if you drink the softened water you are increasing your sodium intake. Most people already ingest more salt than they should so ingesting even more salt is not a good thing and may have deleterious effects. So, if a water softener is installed, there should be provision to get unsoftened water conveniently for drinking and cooking. Sometimes that is done by having an additional faucet (tap) on the kitchen sink to provide unsoftened water.

    Also, as calcium and magnesium salts are are replaced by NaCl, the calcium and magnesium salts build up in the water softener and have to be periodically removed by backwashing the water softener with a solution of NaCl. Most of the NaCl ends up dumped down the drain resulting in salination of the sewage. That creates problems for cities, especially ones which recycle water and use it for irrigation. For that reason some cities have objected to the use of water softeners.

    So, although water softeners have definite benefits, they can create problems which should not be overlooked.

    For more information on banning water softeners, check out the following links:

    I found the above links with a google search on “cities ban water softeners”. Salt-free water softeners are advertised but I have not checked them out. Probably others would like to and post information on them.