Ocean Hydrokinetics: Wave, Tidal, and Current

Ocean Hydro, Wave energy, Tidal energy, and ocean current energy, extracting the kinetic energy out of moving water, approaches to renewable energy, costs of solar and windHere’s a cool little video that I post largely because it serves as a microcosm of human ingenuity.  How many different ways can you invent to solve the same problem (in this case, extracting the kinetic energy out of moving water)?  The answer: plenty.

The bad news is that, unless I’m mistaken, none of these will ever play an important role in the constellation of approaches to renewable energy, simply because the costs of solar and wind have fallen so sharply.

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One comment on “Ocean Hydrokinetics: Wave, Tidal, and Current
  1. Gary Tulie says:

    Tidal and wind power will offer more predictable output than wind and solar, helping to damp out some of the unplanned output variation.

    I think it is possible that some of these technologies will play a useful role even with the rapid cost reduction seen by solar and wind.