New England Journal of Medicine: The Trump Administration and the Environment

Trump Administration and the EnvironmentHere’s a short, readable article with terrific graphics in the New England Journal of Medicine that makes a number of important points, all centering around a single idea: building public policy around actual science is a really good idea.  Case in point: by identifying pollutants and pointing the way to reducing their concentrations in our air and water, the EPA has, through both Republican and Democratic administrations spanning almost half a century, created a much healthier nation of people than would have resulted in its absence.  

If you check out the article–even if you just glace through the charts–you’ll recognize instantly how true this is.

OK, science works.  Did we really need to be told that?  Apparently, yes.  The Trump Administration is in the process of dismantling the EPA, and this, if it’s allowed to stand, is going to cause enormous amounts of disease, suffering, and increased healthcare costs for our entire population.  We mustn’t let this happen.

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