In the Constellation of World Problems, How Important Is Climate Change Mitigation?

In the Constellation of World Problems, How Important Is Climate Change Mitigation?2GreenEnergy megasupporter Cameron sent me this piece, explaining why climate change is the most important story in the world today.

Before the election of Donald Trump I certainly would have agreed, but now I’m not as certain.

Though it may appear at first to be splitting hairs, consider the distinction between “important” and “urgent”; I don’t think it’s trivial, or a matter of mere semantics.  Perhaps climate change remains the most important issue,  but it strikes me that getting Trump out of office is more urgent.

Trump’s agenda, which he’s carrying out with incredible alacrity, is further enriching the super-rich at the expense of the health and well-being of the other 7.4 billion people on Earth.  One aspect of this (though it’s only one) is allowing huge corporations to pollute without restraint and ravage our planet’s natural resources, resulting in enormous environmental damage in a number of directions, including the increased fueling of climate change.

In addition, of course, Trump brings the threat of World War III, the disestablishment of rights of workers, minorities and women, the deregulation of Wall Street, and an uncountable list of other atrocities.

In my mind, ending Trump’s presidency is the most urgent matter of the day.

To the frequent commenter who says this is a fantasy, consider this: it always seems impossible, right up to the point that it happens.  Richard Nixon was a saint in comparison to Trump, and let’s not forget what happened to his sorry butt.

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2 comments on “In the Constellation of World Problems, How Important Is Climate Change Mitigation?
  1. marcopolo says:


    “World War 3” Really ? Who are the likely combatant’s ? Disestablishment of rights of women ? The man’s surrounded by women influencing his decision making!

    Your hatred of the incumbent in the White House, exceeds paranoia, it’s threatening to consume you with hysterical delusions.

    President Trump isn’t the anti-Christ, he’s simply a President you dislike. I;m afraid that’s the price you have to pay for living in a nation with a political system involving an elected representative government and executive administration.

    You can’t always get the guy you like.

    Fro years I’ve been warning “green ” advocates the general public world wide have grown weary of over-hyped, over politicized, hysterical excesses concerning the effects of Climate Change.

    If your hatred of trump is more important than your love for the environment, then you really have lost your moral compass, and that’s really sad.

    Trump will come and go, but the environment will still be here, and needing help, long after his Presidency has become a foot note in history.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Just to really wreck your day, the latest figures have just been released and reveal the coal industry has increased employment by more than 37,000 jobs since the election of President Trump.

    Now, like you, I’m now a fan of coal, but Trump opponents claimed Trump was lying to the American people when he said that he could bring coal jobs back. So far, he’s delivered on his promise.

    The industry also figures on creating another 100,000 engineering jobs in coal/ Carbon capture and reusing technology. That would include export opportunities to other coal mining countries.

    I only mention this a way of suggesting that getting all your information from the Guardian and other left wing media can result in you losing perspective.