Doing a Little Doublethinking on a Sunday Morning

BRAND_THC_BSFC_180746_SFM_000_2997_15_20151204_00_HDThose of you hip people who subscribe to the “Word of the Day” on saw that today’s word is “doublethink,” meaning the acceptance of two contradictory ideas or beliefs at the same time.  This, of course, is reminiscent of what F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in 1936:  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.

Here’s another way of looking at this:

If you’re talking about two contradictory ideas that pertain to provable reality, e.g., matters of science, what you’re really saying is that at least one of the ideas is false.  Anyone who seriously believes that Jupiter is both larger and smaller than Saturn is insane.

If you’re talking about two contradictory ideas that pertain to anything else, you’re talking about opinion, and having two conflicting opinions on a certain matter is clearly quite possible.  Take the role of government in our lives.  Personally, I believe that the goodness of a government is measured by how well it takes care of the people who are least able to take care of themselves. Conservatives would say the precise opposite, i.e., the goodness of a government is measured by how well it protects their rights to enrich themselves and their families.  I don’t want to imply that I think I have a “first-rate intelligence,” but I can completely appreciate the latter viewpoint; in fact, I had it myself just a few short decades ago.  Opinions along these lines are formed as a function of the level of concern we have for the well-being of others, and, obviously, that varies greatly from person to person.

Similarly, I’m against the death penalty in all cases (because I don’t think it has a role in a civilized society), but I can understand those whose need for revenge is greater than mine.

I’m pro-choice, but I understand people who think that life is sacred and that it begins at conception. (Of course, these people had better believe that when a baby is born, we have an absolutely duty to make sure it’s well cared for, which they seldom do.)


Now, I would say that people who disagree with me are misguided, but that goes without saying.  That’s really the only way one can have a viewpoint on matters like these; if I didn’t think that dissenters were misguided, I’d feel the way they do.

OK, that’s it from me.  I’m headed out for a run on my favorite (dog-friendly) beach.  Enjoy your Sunday!

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