How Close Are We To Harnessing Nuclear Fusion?

nuclearenergy-120315055148-phpapp02-thumbnail-4Here’s an article that states that nuclear fusion is “on the horizon.”  Hmmm.  Hasn’t it been on the horizon for as long as any of us can remember?

The spokesperson from MIT quoted here suggests that 2030 “is aggressive by not wildly out of range.” But he offers this proviso: “If we continue to invest in energy research.”

Sorry to sound cynical, but that’s a huge “if,” given the politics of the day, defined, as they are, as tax cuts for the super-rich and a declining quality of life for everyone else.

Now I suppose one could say, “OK, perhaps the super-rich will invest in energy research.” Perhaps they will, but does that sound probable? Do most Wall Street billionaires have the mentality of investing for the good of the human species?  Maybe I’m missing something here, but I don’t think so.

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One comment on “How Close Are We To Harnessing Nuclear Fusion?
  1. marcopolo says:


    I’m curious, in what exactly do you think “Wall Street billionaires’ invest ?

    Perhaps you picture them sitting around in darkened cigar filled rooms plotting working out how to oppress the peasantry,or maybe on islands with subterranean military complexes staff by amazingly incompetent paramilitary and scanty-clothed women devising plots to blow up the world?

    Maybe, you picture them like Scrooge McDuck with giant money bins?

    I’m just curious…..:)

    Fusion does seem to be the impossible dream, but maybe it’s creeping closer.