Discussions of Fracking Need To Be Fair

fracking_diagram1Below is a video that does a good job at explaining how fracking works.  It’s all true, but the presentation is imbalanced and unfair, as it doesn’t present how completely screwed we’d be in the absence of fracking, which would mean that almost all that energy content would have been (and would continue to be) supplied by coal.

The piece acknowledges that coal produces more CO2, which is correct, but fails to note the other, more serious forms of damage that coal wreaks on our health and environment: mercury, cadmium, selenium, arsenic, NOx, sulfates, and radioactive isotopes.

Getting rid of coal is an extremely important priority for those of us who understand and care about this stuff, and any issue associated with fracking is a more-than-acceptable trade-off in getting this accomplished.

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One comment on “Discussions of Fracking Need To Be Fair
  1. marcopolo says:


    Well said ! If conducted properly, in accordance with well regulated practice, hydraulic fracturing is a safe and responsible method of extracting natural gas.

    Government agencies have a duty to carefully monitor and enforce safety regulations. Most of the opposition to fracking technology is based on fear, ignorance and in some rare instances badly conducted fracking activity.

    Like all mineral extraction safeguards must be observed, but realistic safeguards.