From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Home Efficiency–How New Windows Can Help You Save Money on Your Energy Bill

LowEWindow1PillarHeroA drafty home is costing you money every day. Those drafts bring in hot air in the summer and cold air in the winter. That means you are paying more to heat and cool your home year round. If your home has old windows that is one place where you can get rid of the drafts. New windows can help you lower your energy bills.

The Day-to-Day Reality of Old Windows

Single pane windows were the standard for hundreds of years. But, a single pane of glass does very little to keep the heat and cold at bay. In fact, they have an insulation value of R1, meaning they are at the very bottom of insulation value.

The single pane glass is not the only reason why old windows drive up energy costs. Older windows, made from wood, can warp and shrink, leaving spaces where air can get in and cause drafts. That can cause drafts throughout the home. You have to run your HVAC systems more just to keep the home comfortable.

The Savings You Get by Installing New Windows

Replacing your windows means you are going to upgrade the window and its entire frame. The single-paned windows get replaced with double or triple-paned version. A double-pane window can increase the R-value to R3 over the R1 of the single pane. While it doesn’t sound like a lot, it is a 300% percent increase. You get even more when you upgrade to a triple-pane window which can go to R5 or more.

You get even more savings with the upgrade in window frame. The frame itself is wood, wrapped in aluminum or steel. The metal cladding helps keep the wood stable and prevents major gaps from opening. This helps keep drafts at bay. The window comes with fresh seals to keep even more air out.

According to Innovations Siding & Windows, when installing the windows you should insulate the gaps around the window frame. If it is not part of the contract, make sure to do it yourself before he closes up the frame. This additional insulation will keep drafts from coming in around the window frame.

All of this work is going to improve the energy efficiency of your home. You will lose the drafts coming in around the frame. You will get more efficiency in keeping the heat and cold out. If the windows are Energy Star rated, you can expect to save anywhere from $125 to $450 per year in energy costs.

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