Nuclear Energy Really IS Getting Treated Unfairly

z_jun-p04-How-safe01Nuclear energy advocate Rudy Stefenel writes: Craig, Nuclear reactors are getting sabotaged by the distribution of subsidies.  According to an EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) report for 2013, solar farms got nearly three times as much subsidies as nuclear and that wind farms got nearly four times as much.


There is no doubt that we live in a world that treats nuclear energy unfairly. Exactly how this happened I’m not sure; I suspect it’s the byproduct of well-intentioned but ill-informed environmentalists who “haven’t done the math,” so to speak. Maybe “can’t do the math” is more accurate.  In any case, this has become an enormous political juggernaut, carrying so much inertia that it’s really tough to turn around.

Don’t forget, we live in a world (or at least a country) where facts have ceased to matter; appreciation for and understanding of science is feeble and dwindling further each year. We’re living in an age where we’re teaching creationism in our schools as science, in a White House administration that is packed with climate deniers. It’s not an easy environment to be dealing with the task you’ve taken on.

I do what I can, in my own little sphere of influence, to correct this grave misunderstanding, and I do it, as I noted below, because what you folks are doing is vital to our success as a species.

I only suggest that you’d do much better to operate along with (vs. against) renewables.  Ignorance is your enemy; we’re not.

We may not have enough time to right the ship regardless of what we do, and we certainly don’t have the time to fight among us.


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