A Renewable Energy Product Whose Total Available Market Is …. Nonexistent

maxresdefaultHere’s a wind energy product that literally nobody could possibly need, which, as far as I am aware makes this unique.

First, we need to eliminate anyone with access to the grid.  Then let’s get rid of anyone anywhere near a car.   That leaves long-distance hikers and people in the poorest and most remote parts of third-world countries.  But a little piece of PV is far more useful.  That leaves: no one.  Bingo!  A new world’s record.

Crap! I just realized that there IS a market for this: hikers who go above the arctic circle in the winter (or below the antarctic circle in theirs) who do so with no access to any technology.  It’s conceivable (though doubtful) that such a person exists.



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One comment on “A Renewable Energy Product Whose Total Available Market Is …. Nonexistent
  1. marcopolo says:


    Well said!