From Guest Blogger Diana Smith: A Few Useful Tips to Purge Your Home of Toxic Chemicals

download (1)Even the most affordable cleaning brands have become very efficient when it comes to germ eradication, but this comes with a terrible trade off – the liquid solutions are filled with chemicals that are extremely detrimental to human health. Most people buy these cleaners without putting too much thought into it. Therefore, some of these dangerous compounds end up in our households without us being aware of it. If you want to have a healthier home, here are a few useful tips on how to purge your home of toxic chemicals.

Healthier alternatives

Thankfully, we live in a time when healthier alternatives to your regular supermarket-bought branded cleaners have become a popular choice. They can be a bit more expensive to buy, but they are quite effective. If you don’t want to spend too much money on these solutions, you can always concoct your own with several key ingredients – hot water, baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice.

The most amazing aspect of these ingredients is the fact they are very accessible to an average homeowner and it is very easy to mix them – half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda, mix them in a liter of water and add lemon juice squeezed from a half of lemon. This potent, natural cleaning agent is both efficient and refreshing.

Throw out extra wool

If you have a carpet in your home, chances are it is the biggest, most vile source of bacteria, allergens and other toxins. The best course of action is to throw this pile of dirt out of your house for good. The same goes for your regular linen curtains and other extra wool material you use for decorative purposes.

What’s more, if you have used regular branded cleaning agents, these decorations are literally sponges of toxins that are nearly impossible to clean out completely. Even if you do, the material will be ready to soak it all up again. The smartest thing is to get rid of it altogether.

Asbestos removal

Technically speaking, asbestos is an extremely useful mineral, but it’s not really used anymore in households due to its devastating effect on human lungs. If households and residential buildings have asbestos in the walls, most of the time, people are advised it is safest just to leave it be – since moving and breaking it is much more dangerous.

However, if you are bent on getting rid of this material altogether, the best course of action is to hire a reliable and thorough service that specializes in asbestos removal in Sydney; they will make sure everything is done safely.

Air-purifying plants

Even though plant life is silent (though it depends on perspective), it’s man’s best in the urban environment and it is especially useful indoors. With the advancement of science and knowledge of biology, scientists have discovered some plants are especially efficient at purifying toxins. Furthermore, some of the species of plants from this group are really easy to maintain and they don’t grow too much – which makes them easy to move around.

The selection of these air purifying plants have also become known as office plants due to their amazing characteristics, but they can work for your home just as well. Get these plants into your house to make sure the air is clean and fresh.

You have every right to live in a healthy environment free of all toxins. This is hard to accomplish in a today’s world, especially if you live in a heavily urbanized area where an army of cars spreads noxious gases. However, you can at least do a single thing that is in your power – get rid of all the toxic chemicals and cleaners that generally tend to plague average households and opt for more ecologically sound solutions.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Diana Smith: A Few Useful Tips to Purge Your Home of Toxic Chemicals
  1. Emma says:

    I’ve actually read that carpets and other upholstery are great for trapping allergens and other germs and bacteria (this would otherwise be in your air; it has to come from somewhere), and as long as you clean them regularly, they are actually good for your health. The rest of these tips are great though!