From Guest Blogger Kara Masterson: Four Tips for Making Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

T_0d3a661edbWhen it comes to helping the environment, you need to be doing your part. This doesn’t mean you’ll be expected to or be able to save the world. However, taking initiative on a regular basis can make a huge difference. Making your own residence as sustainable as possible is a great way to do this. Here are four tips for making your home more environmentally friendly.Recycle

Recycling is a surefire way to reduce your carbon footprint. Not only can you put things out for pick-up such as newspapers and bottles, you can also recycle through reusing materials. For instance, you can wash out old jars and use them to store small things like nails. Making sure something doesn’t go to a landfill is a great way to make your home more environmentally friendly.

Save Water

Water is an invaluable resource that should not be wasted. Doing things like reducing your shower time by a couple minutes or not letting the water run unnecessarily can save gallons upon gallons of water. You can also help the environment by using hot water as little as possible. A cold shower saves resources and gives you a boost in the morning.

Plant Trees

Trees don’t just add a nice ambiance to your yard. They can also benefit the environment. You can bring more oxygen in and give a place for wildlife such as birds and squirrels to thrive. A tree doesn’t grow overnight, of course, but taking the initiative now means they’ll be able to grow and prosper in subsequent years. If you do plant trees, be sure to work with someone like Smitty’s Tree Service Inc. or a similar company to keep them properly cared for.

Unplug Appliances

Even if a device is turned off, it can still use up energy if it’s plugged in. To severely reduce your carbon footprint, you should unplug electric devices when not in use. Take a look around your house and see what’s plugged in that doesn’t need to be. It’s no trouble to unplug something just like it’s no trouble to plug it back in.
Make Eco-friendly Adjustments

If you have the means necessary, installing things like solar panels or retreating your windows to be more sustainable is a fantastic thing to do. You can make your home an environmentalist’s paradise.

We hope this has given you a great idea for how to make your home more environmentally friendly. Being eco-friendly starts at home. By doing your part for the environment, you can inspire others to do the same.

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