What Do You Call a Form of Government that Consistently Frustrates the Will of the People? Well, Here’s What You CAN’T Call It.

inline-3How does one make sense of the fact that net neutrality is going away, even though its supporters outnumber its opponents by more than three to one?

This is the real problem that underpins everything else that we Americans are so upset about, whatever it happens to be this week: the end of net neutrality, taking healthcare away from tens of millions of people, destroying the environment for the sake of profit, runaway gun violence, the grinding of public education into the pavement, tax breaks for the super-rich, endless wars, or whatever your particular concern may be.

We live in a democracy in name only; the will of the people means absolutely nothing when it runs up against corporate interests.

(Much) more on this here.

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3 comments on “What Do You Call a Form of Government that Consistently Frustrates the Will of the People? Well, Here’s What You CAN’T Call It.
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    Here again we clearly see that the only path to improvement is through organizing to end all forms of bribery – from campaign contribution to revolving door.

    • craigshields says:

      Indeed. But this is going the wrong way; corruption in Washington becomes more a way of life with each passing year. I appreciate that honest people are fighting this trend, but in all honestly, we’re losing.

      Trump’s antics: the brazen lies, the outrageous stupidity–are all distractions. What’s really happening in the U.S. government is the ultimate victory for the Koch Brothers and the other amoral libertarian billionaires. They finally got their prize, while their buffoon had everybody looking the other way.

      • Cameron Atwood says:

        I’m not sure the current corruption holds anything over that of the Guilded Age, but I would judge the stakes to be considerably higher.

        The final analysis, it seems to me, is that the corruption won’t stop until the people organize, non-violently rise up by the millions, and use truth, humor, and civil disobedience to force the enactment of sure, swift, just, and severe punishment for the bribers and the bribed. This requires a fierce and thorough rebuttal of the false claim that bribery is Free Speech.