Will Mass Layoffs in the U.S. Steel Industry Cause Any Political Ripples? Probably Not.

downloadThe single most astounding aspects of the “Trump phenomenon” is that a) members of his support base are hurt hardest by his policies, and b) they don’t seem to care.

The steel industry made an impressive comeback after the 2008 market crash, adding 250,000 jobs.  Now, it’s about to lose 50,000 of them.

OK, so let’s look at steelworkers as a voting bloc, a group that Trump specifically promised to protect.  What percentage of them are Trump supporters?  Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s certainly over 80%.

Doesn’t getting laid off from one’s job make one question the wisdom driving economic policies at the top of the food chain?  Remarkably, the answer seems to be no.

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