How Do You Respond To the Forces of Evil?

26230881_437967066618327_6519546509134642184_nAccording to all the polls. the majority of Americans disapprove of their current president, and that the ranks of the so-called “Trump Resistance Movement” are growing.  Per this article,  “An astounding number of new grassroots resistance groups, at least six times the number the Tea Party could boast at its height, have emerged.”  

Most of the members of these groups, and I include myself, view Trump as a clear and present danger to our country, and by extension, to the people of the world.  We regard him as a force for evil, not unlike any of the others that have come and gone throughout human history.

If you’ve ever thought about how you’d react in such a situation, the meme above is for you.


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7 comments on “How Do You Respond To the Forces of Evil?
  1. marcopolo says:


    You are entitled to undertake legitimate political action, within the law and the US Constitution.

    What you are not entitled to do is break the law, advocate a violent overthrow of the government or deny other their constitutional rights. The US President is elected to serve a full term of office.

    There is only one poll that counts, a duly constituted election. it really doesn’t matter if a any number of people don’t like the President, his style or his policies,the electoral process must be respected and attempts to circumvent the process must be treated as an attack on the process of representative government, and the Constitution.

    You must also show respect and tolerance for the rights of law abiding fellow citizens who may disagree or not concur with your assessment of the President, otherwise you are in danger of becoming the very thing you profess to find so offensive.

    • craigshields says:

      I wasn’t advocating breaking the law (though there are circumstances under which I would).

    • craigshields says:

      As strange as this may seem to an outsider, our impeachment process is far more political than it is legal. No one will be surprised if the Democrats win back both houses of congress in the midterms and then impeach the president, or invoke the 25th Amendment.

  2. marcopolo says:


    The 25th Amendment would require extreme circumstances or it would never survive a Supreme Court challenge and very few Democrat legislators would dare to take such a unilateral action which would never be forgiven by the electorate.

    The impeachment process requires a very high degree of legality the stability of the American system would be destabilized and I don’t believe the US people or the majority of legislators want their national institutions dismantled to the condition of a banana republic.

    If the Democrats won both houses they could frustrate the President’s agenda, but launching a vindictive impeachment process for a first term President would prove politically destructive and highly unpopular. Most legislators would hesitate for fear of further damage to the office of the Presidency.

    I’m afraid it’s all just wishful thinking by an over excited left !

    All just goes to show you guys should have stuck to a Constitutional Monarchy 🙂

    • craigshields says:

      I don’t think you have a sense for how incredibly unpopular Trump is. And popularity really isn’t the issue. We’re infuriated about what he’s done to our country (in under one year), and terrified of what could come next.

      Until the tax scam passed, we all rather enjoyed joining the rest of the world and laughing at the buffoon. Then it became real that he was capable of heaping enormous suffering on hundreds of millions of Americans and looting the treasury, simply to make billionaires richer. It was a watershed moment in which we realized that there’s nothing funny about his destroying the environment, embarrassing the U.S. wherever he goes, and causing incredible volumes of pain on innocent people. The joke’s over. We want him gone.

  3. marcopolo says:


    Oh, I realize you want the President gone, and I can hear your frustration, but when you say we, you don’t speak for all Americans (only the loudest)! The President is not universally detested and it’s worth remembering, the only real ‘poll’ is the ballot box.

    The President was legally elected to pursue the mandate he announced during his campaign, and to his credit he is trying to keep his election promises.

    It’s your constitutional right to object and peacefully protest the administration’s policies but, you lack sufficient grounds for deposing a legally elected President.

    I’m afraid you must just accept reality and realize for the next four years, you and your fellow travelers must accept being in opposition.

    The louder and more extreme opposition claims and abuse, will only serve to shore up support for the President. Calling the President racist for referring to some pretty awful countries while employing a descriptive epithet in a private discussion, may generate a lot of excitement, but once all the sensationalist hype dies down, most people would side with the President. Millions secretly admire his candour and lack of hypocrisy. (C’mon we’re talking about Haiti here ).

    Do you really think many Americans have a high opinion of such nations ?

    In Australia, Trump has done wonders for retaining and increasing the popularity of our Constitutional Monarchy 🙂

    • craigshields says:

      “Millions secretly admire his candour and lack of hypocrisy.” True. Millions say, “I like him him because he tells it like it is.” What they’re really saying is, “He’s a racist moron and so am I.”