Rethinking Trump’s Political Strategy in Pennsylvania

If you were a political strategist, is this what you would recommend to the President of the United States, running in the battleground state of Pennsylvania? Swearing to take vengeance on all its 13 million people?

Personally, I’d be more inclined to promise, however insincerely, to put people back to work, protect them from the pandemic, build/repair infrastructure, reduce taxes, somehow arrange for them to have more frequent and satisfying sex….anything but revenge, swearing to inflict suffering one every Pennsylvanian in retaliation for some insult I received from the state’s governor.

Yet I need to qualify my remarks: these are just my own personal instincts.  In truth, this could be an excellent strategy; perhaps masochism is a characteristic lots of people back in the Keystone State share in common.  Maybe my failure to see this is why I’m only an author/consulting in environmental sustainability and not pulling down the big bucks in the Washington lobbying scene.

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