Are Wind Turbines Burning Money?

There’s a report being passed around social media to the effect that the cost of fires in wind turbines could be as high as $9 million.

Although I have no way to verify this, I can point out that there are about 60,000 utility-scale wind turbines in the U.S., and that they cost an average of about $4 million apiece to install, meaning that we have about $2.4 trillion invested.  $9 million represents 0.000375% of that total.

That percentage of the mass of my car is 4 grams.

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One comment on “Are Wind Turbines Burning Money?
  1. Aries says:

    There is only one earth. If we don’t cherish the energy and resources we have, as it was written in the text when we were young, we will be retaliated by nature.