Public School Curricula

I agree with this, but it’s easy to see where it could be a “hot button” issue with some parents, i.e., dim-witted ones.  Even if the content of the meme here weren’t true, think of how fabulously impractical it would be to fashion a state’s curriculum after the mandate of parents.  Should there be a vote as to whether or not to teach the Tulsa Race Massacre (aka the Black Wall Street Massacre)?  Creationism as science?  Climate change?

In our current system, the people elect school board members who in turn make decisions like these.  This, of course, isn’t perfect either, as we end up with school kids in the deeply red states coming home with some extremely twisted ideas,  often based on teachings that are simply false.  Yet it’s hard to know how to improve on that, since constitutionally, decisions on matters like these need to happen at the state level (See the Tenth Amendment).

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