Tag: Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability

Question:  Look closely at the pic here (larger one below). Why do these Pennsylvania-based employees of Shell Oil look so somber, considering that the U.S. President is wearing a smile? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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Question:  The five hottest summers in Europe’s 600-year history of record keeping have all occurred in the last 20 years.  What is the probability that this is a random occurrence, and thus that the theory of AGW (anthropogenic global warming) …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Is the European Heat Wave an Example of Anthropogenic Global Warming In Action? Read More »

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Question:  Norway (an oil state) is divesting its $1 trillion wealth fund from oil and gas companies.  Why? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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Question:  What do the environmental protections listed on the right have in common? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance:  Of all the things that concern decent people, the aggressive destruction of the environment should be at or …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Environmental Protection Read More »

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Question: Which of the following are true about Turkey? a) Its human rights record (oppression, torture, disappearances, etc.) is among the worst in the world.

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Question: What city (pictured here) won first prize this year in the Global Destination Sustainability Index (for the third consecutive time)? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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Question: By what percentage did EV sales grow in the U.S. last year (2018, over 2017)? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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Question: What country just became the world’s first to reduce VMT with free public transportation?  

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Question: What are the three most dangerous effects to human health that derive from ingesting/inhaling the mercury that gets into the food supply and atmosphere from coal plant emissions?  

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Question: Which major beer brand just announced its switch to a 100% biodegradable substance, made from a mix of by-product waste and compostable materials, to form the rings that hold six-packs together?  

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