Our Leaders Should Understand Basic Science

Our Leaders Should Understand Basic Science

John Boehner, soon-to-be Speaker of the House, told a crowd recently:

The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, when they do what they do, we’ve got more carbon dioxide.

I know there are people who don’t know the difference between carbon dioxide and methane, or what a carcinogen is, and I’m completely fine with that; ignorance in the general population, the result of a failing school system, “is what it is.”  But when stuff like this comes out of the mouth of one of the most powerful lawmakers on Earth, I’m not at all OK with that.  We need to do a better job in electing people who have a basic command of the core issues that affect our survival.


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One comment on “Our Leaders Should Understand Basic Science
  1. Dennis Miles says:

    We need to ask John to put his head into a plastic bag and see what happens if he tries to breath that same air he exhaled for a few minutes. (Please have a medical aide standing nearby and watching so when he turns blue they can take the bag away! )
    As i said on another post, Journalists need to each pick a technology or specialty and take an intro class at the local community college so they understand at least somewhat the items their trying to write about. Otherwise they should limit themselves to “Human Interest Stories as that is what they are actually taught in their college courses. Apparently the politicians need Technology for Dummies classes also because what spews from their mouths reminds me of what happens to a two year old who plays vigorously after a large meal. and the spewing has about as much value.