Next Step in Home Energy Efficiency

Next Step in Home Energy EfficiencyThose trying to keep their fingers on the pulse of energy efficiency solutions will be interested in this piece on the advent of thermal imaging built into smart phones.  Soon, you’ll be able to walk around your house, inside and out, “photographing” the spots where you’re losing heat in the winter and gaining it in the summer.  Great idea.

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One comment on “Next Step in Home Energy Efficiency
  1. Breath on the Wind says:

    Whow! This is really exciting! Thanks for passing this along. One of the ways that the gas leak in California could be demonstrated was using thermal imagining.

    When it comes to homes there are a lot of window contractors who, although using good equipment are not using the best installation techniques. It is “passable” because it “looks good” to the eye. If the work was set to a standard using thermal imaging then I could see overall standards in the industry improving.

    The article also discusses equipment that is becoming far more easily available.