Car Bumper-Stickers Provide Insight Into the Political Make-Up of the Community

Car Bumper-Stickers Provide Insight Into the Make-Up of the CommunityA few times a week, I take a run on a beach here in Santa Barbara, and I’m always amused by the bumper-stickers on the cars in the parking lot.  To get the joke of the first one, you need to know that dogs are welcome on this beach, and on a nice day, there are many dozens of them frolicking together, chasing tennis balls into the ocean, and generally having a wonderful time with their human partners and each other.  You also need to know that the demographics of Santa Barbara are heavily weighted toward affluent, well educated, life-affirming progressives.  20160824_125115

Nothing whatsoever is required to appreciate the one on the right.  My mother’s not going to like this, but it cracked me up so thoroughly that I thought I needed to publish it.

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