From Guest Blogger Anica Oaks: Four Overlooked Ways You Can Make Your Home Environmentally Friendly

An eco-friendly home doesn’t mean giving up the little luxuries of life. However, a little innovative thinking comes in handy. For example, use rain water, natural laundry soap and local foliage to help protect the planet and preserve her resources. Even an eco-friendly pool is a better alternative for creating a house people and the planet will love for many years to come.

The Nature of Laundry

The thought of an eco-friendly way to do laundry may seem ludicrous and, yet, it is indeed possible. All one needs to do is replace one’s regular laundry soap with soap nuts. In short, the berries from a saponus bush not only serve as a natural way to safely wash close, but also serve as a hypoallergenic alternative that’s good for people and the environment.

End Water Waste

One of the planet’s most precious natural resources is water, but millions of gallons are wasted every day. One can help battle the loss by implementing a good water management plan. For example, one can use the rain to one’s advantage by installing rain harvesting devices along the house’s gutter system. Then, use the gathered water to tend one’s lawn, fill the pool and more, saving fresh water for drinking and the planet.

The Beauty of Native Plants

Landscaping is a beautiful extension of one’s home, but planting foliage not natural to the region can cause some issues with the environment. For example, planting a thirsty Weeping Willow tree in the desert will lead to excessive water usage. Simply research the area to find out what plants are natural and plant them around the house. Additionally, using a natural fertilizer, according to Nature Safe, will keep your plants healthier and stronger.

The Nature of Pools

Pools can become a natural disaster thanks to the chemically treated water and water usage. However, one doesn’t have to forgo a pool to have an eco-friendly home. Simply make use of a pool cover to decrease water evaporation and keep the water clean. Additionally, install ionizer water systems to ensure the water is clean and decrease the chemical cleaners that damage the planet, animals and people.

Mother Nature provides natural ways for people to live without damaging the planet. After all, soap nuts are the perfect, hypoallergenic laundry soap and rain provides plenty of water for plants and pools. In additional, regional foliage makes for beautiful landscaping around an eco-friendly pool and home.

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