A Pair of Notes on Trump

Notes on TrumpA reader notes: Trump is not the entire problem.

Oh, I totally admit that Trump isn’t the entire problem; in fact, I view him as a symptom of the problem that started here when the neoliberal movement began about 40 years ago. It was a five-step process: The common American a) got a terrible education, b) got squashed, c) got desperate, d) got angry, then e) got even. The sad part, of course, is that they only hurt themselves by falling for a conman who’s aggressively turning their lives into hell. It’s just a page from the demagogues’ playbook; they’ve been doing this for a very long time, and now it’s happened here.

Another reader notes:  If Trump would stop lying, I could support him.  

That would be a good start, but even if he could (he can’t, btw), what would we have then? A president even more brazenly profiting from his position and openly boasting about sexually abusing women?  A government that is actively and now openly and honestly trying to destroy the environment and public education, eroding the rights of women, LGBTs, Hispanics and Muslims, inflaming the world with hate speech domestically and insulting U.S. allies abroad, and degrading our nation by aligning it with barbarian Russia?

I’m hoping for a bit better.  🙂

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2 comments on “A Pair of Notes on Trump
  1. marcopolo says:


    One of the problems anyone has when condemning others on moral grounds, is the risk of appearing hypocritical.

    You condemn President Trump for his candor in what he believed to be a private and confidential conversation and appropriate in the context of that audience.

    The fact the remarks were secretly recorded and used many years later, out of context, for the titillation and prudish finger wagging of an hypocritical audience more interested in sanctimoniously condemnation of the remarks, than the morality of delighting in illegal eavesdropping, is a bit sad.

    By accusing the President of , “openly boasting about sexually abusing women?” , a statement which is untrue, (it wasn’t open, nor did he describe his attempts as successful), you invite examination of your own values.

    It would appear you reserve your moral outrage for those you dislike, yet accept, even praise far worse behaviour in those whom you favour.

    Can you explain such hypocrisy ?

    US Presidents must deal in the real world. Putin’s Russia is a very large factor in the Geo-politics of the world.

    For decades US policy toward Russia has been unsuccessful. The US has displayed total ignorance of Russia and the vast, complex and tangled problems created by the break up of the USSR.

    How will castigating Russia as “barbaric”, and offering ridiculous condemnation without any knowledge of the problems facing Russia advance understanding, or establish better relations ?

    As it stands, Russia is a potential ally in the US desire to contain the burgeoning power of an increasingly aggressive PRC. Would you prefer to see a PRC-Russia anti-American alliance ?

    Most of Europe depends on Russian energy during the winter.

    For the best part of two decades the US has been fighting, and losing, a fierce trade war with the PRC. The US deficit, and decay within the US economy, is largely created by weak US-Sino policies.

    The US desperately needs Rex Tillersen to help an inexperienced President to reverse US policies and form alliances that benefit the US.

    Whether you like it or not, the next four years are going to be crucial for the US. The US political system doesn’t allow for the sort of changes in leader as does the more flexible Westminster system, so the US must try to make the best of the inexperienced President.

    A constant barrage of opposition will only prove destructive to US interests abroad if they see the US continuing to flounder and continue with the sort of weak, divisive and indecisive policies pursued by Obama.

  2. Breath on the Wind says:

    In a time when so many seem to stand for nothing but whatever they can gain from the system, Craig, to your credit, you have stated your views clearly and thoughtfully. Is there a way forward? Is there a path away from deceit and a narcissistic symbol of a self absorbed society?