From Guest Blogger Justin Jersey: Installation of Solar Power Systems-A Pre-Preparation Guide

Installation of Solar Power Systems-A Pre-Preparation GuideToo overwhelmed by the amazing benefits of solar panels and want to get a solar power system installed on your rooftop? Well, slow down. Do not rush in. They may be very efficient and may profit you a lot after a payback period of about 5 years, but if you do not do your research before getting a solar power systems installed, your investment may result into a waste. Before starting to look for a solar company, make sure you have an idea about these points:

  • Is your roof strong enough to bear the weight of the solar panels? The panels are not lightweight. So, it is essential that the roof has the tensile strength to take its weight.
  • Does your roof need repairs or replacement? The solar panels have longevity. They last for more than 25 years. So, you have to make sure that your roof does too. If you feel the roof is worn out and may need replacing soon, it would be preferable to get the roof replacement and repairs before starting to plan a solar power system installation.
  • How much sunlight does your roof get throughout the year. If your roof is west or south facing, it is the most ideal condition for exposure to sunlight. Also, make sure there are no surrounding huge structures that block sunlight on your roof. If there is more shade than sunlight on your roof for the most part of the day, then you may want to reconsider about the solar power system installation plans.

After you are sure about the suitability of your roof for the installation of solar power systems, the next step is to look for a suitable and authentic solar company. This is where you tread with caution. As a solar power system is a long-time investment, choosing the wrong solar company may have many repercussions. So, here are the questions you need to get satisfactory answers to before finalising on a solar company:

  1. Does the company has the expertise to set up systems on the type of roof that your home has? Roofs come in many different designs and are made up of various materials. So, make sure you find a company that has the expertise of working on the type of roof that that your house has. Especially is your roof is made of metal, Spanish tiles, or regular wood shingles, instead of composite shingle, you may have a little trouble finding the appropriate solar system installation company as not all companies have this expertise.
  2. How much electricity will the solar panels produce after installation? Every solar installation company offers a quote of the output power. They also provide a production warranty. You can get quotes from several companies and then compare so that you can get the most efficient solar power system installed.
  3. What happens if the system doesn’t produce as much electricity as I was promised?
    As mentioned above, companies provide a production guarantee. So, ask what the company is supposed to if the system fails to reach the assured production limit. Also, ask what steps the company will take to monitor the installed solar power system to ensure that it is working efficiently.
  4. What is the length of manufacturer’s warranty? Firstly, you need to ensure that the solar panels are certified by the government. Ask about the warranty periods for all the components. A good solar installation company provides more than 20 years of warranty on solar panels, 5-10 years of warranty on inverters and batteries and at least 1 year long workmanship warranty. If the warranty period is shorter than this, then you can safely assume that the quality of the service and the components is lower than expected.

After you get satisfactory answers for the above 4 questions, you can rest assured of your solar power system installation project is in capable hands and await the onset of green energy into your home.

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