From Guest Blogger Emma Sturgis: Four Innovative Ways Companies Can Transition from Fossil Fuels to Green Energies

maxresdefault (1)1. Vehicles

There are many alternatives to gasoline and diesel even now. There are commercially produced vehicles powered by electricity, solar panels, hydrogen fuel cells, hybrids, and biofuels. Converting a standard gasoline engine to use biofuels is not difficult. The problem for most businesses is a lack of infrastructure to sustain these vehicles. But for companies with the resources to convert to biofuel, or provide charging stations, eco-friendly vehicles make sense.

2. Energy Storage Systems

Some people still tend to think of batteries as feasible in only small devices. That is limited thinking. Consider the all-electric, high-performance Tesla automobile. Utilizing large, safe energy storage systems is feasible. It’s being done in Germany right now. While they may not be cost-effective for large factories, most offices can be run from direct current systems—and any excess can be sold back to the grid.

3. Hybrid Solutions

Chiefly in the west and southwest U.S., we see an increasing number of solar and wind farms for producing energy from natural sources. Another popular new technology is wave generators—these use the constant ebb and flow of the tides to generate electricity in coastal waters. Companies can utilize engineers to craft their own solutions for some of their power demands. Online engineering management degree programs that instill graduates with essential skills in managing chemical, mechanical, civil, and electrical projects to ensure companies have the systems that best fill their needs.

4. Solar

What’s surprising is how far solar technology has evolved. Not only are solar panels much smaller, lighter, and efficient than previous generations, but solar installation costs have fallen by as much as 50 percent. In parts of Europe, solar power costs are equal to or less than that from traditional power grids.


For businesses to transition more toward sustainable energies, return on investment is always a prime concern. But considering how eco-friendly branding connects with today’s eco-conscious culture and the available tax benefits, it’s the right move. Particularly when the very idea of sustainable energy means these technologies will be saving companies money for the foreseeable future.

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