Studying the Rate of Ice Loss in Antarctica

images (3)For all you geologists who study the macro-effects of climate change, here’s a recent article from Science Magazine on the loss of ice in Western Antarctica.Climate deniers, desperately looking for evidence to support their belief, could point to the fact that the rate of ice loss is uncertain; predictions about the rate at which this is happening vary by a factor of 10–even given one specific scenario of global temperature rise.

We’ve all heard this before: “We don’t completely understand it, therefore we can ignore it.” Would these people respond that way to a cancer diagnosis?  Uh, no.

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One comment on “Studying the Rate of Ice Loss in Antarctica
  1. marcopolo says:


    The coverage of ICE in Antarctica is very interesting. In places the ICE shelf is increasing dramatically, while in others it recedes sporadically.

    Naturally, numerous theories abound as to the overall causes and consequences. None completely fit all the data and over the years no predictions have proved totally accurate.

    For Climate alarmists, the issue is simple. Just ignore or dismiss and inconvenient data, keeping only that which fit’s into your own scenario, and ‘faith’ will take save the place of proper research or debate !

    (If your cancer diagnosis analogy is to be valid, we would still be operating on peptic ulcers instead of treating a bacteria).