America’s Two Political Parties Clash in the Most Idiotic Ways Possible

Those living outside the United States may read the dialogue at the left and say, “Give me a break; it couldn’t possibly be that stupid.”  Well, I’m sorry to have to report that this is precisely the childishly idiotic level of the national conversation.

Onto this, we need to add all the discussions about the environment, e.g.:

D’s:  We need to be good stewards of our environment, phase out fossil fuels, and reinstate clean air and water regulations.

R’s: Dems want to kill jobs.

D’s:  We need to be good team players on a global scale, rejoin the Paris Accord, and work to help developing nations to move in the right direction.

R’s: Dems are “one-worlders.”

D’s:  We need to decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors so as to mitigate climate change, ocean acidification and loss of biodiversity.

R’s: Dems are anti-capitalist, basing their policy making on bad or unproven science.

D’s:  A business-as-usual approach will result in unprecedented human suffering in the coming decades.

R’s: Dems are unconcerned with the present-day economy.

D’s:  Marginalized populations will bear the brunt of the suffering associated with droughts, wildfires, floods, storms, as well as food and water shortages.

R’s: Dems are always worried about taking care of those who are unable to make it on their own.

If it appears that there is no winning here, you’ve nailed it.  This is why I don’t argue with trolls on the website; it’s pointless.

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