What is Green (aka Renewable or Clean) Energy?

Green (aka “clean,” or “renewable”) energy is the term used to describe sources of energy that do not cause pollution or other damage to the environment. Examples include tidal, wave, geothermal, wind, solar, and hydro. The term renewable comes from the fact that the source of the energy is, for all intents and purposes, never-ending, e.g., the heat from the sun or the kinetic energy of the earth’s and moon’s revolutions.

PS: Here’s an infographic that depicts the history of renewable energy at a glance.

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2 comments on “What is Green (aka Renewable or Clean) Energy?
  1. Dan says:

    The first green energy source is muscle power. I’ve noticed how rarely that gets listed.

  2. dan case says:

    talk, talk, talk, i have heard enough, no matter what is said, the fact remains ! “The world does not need oil !” I recently discovered I have lung cancer, I also lost my wife of 43yrs to another lung disease, asthma, bronchitis, as well as emphysema, a young 60yr old thinking this world was o.k. Well it is NOT ! look around you, does the upscale of lung disease scare you? It should, it it everywhere ! Quit talking ! Absolutely NO reason not to be TOTALY GREEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dan Case