OK, the Conservation of Energy Isn't a "Law." But Can I See a Working Model of a Counter-Example?

OK, the Conservation of Energy Isn't a "Law." But Can I See a Working Model of a Counter-Example?

PhotobucketSteele Braden responds:

I know this is hard for us guys schooled in the “old” physics thinking, but the longer I investigate and experiment, the more anomalies I turn up regarding accepted physics “laws.” Remember, it was impossible for man to fly with his own body power — until somome flew accross the English channel. Remember the sound “barrier”? Travelling to the moon was a permanent science fiction.

Great points, all. It’s funny; I had just written a piece advising the authors of business plans to “keep it real,” in which I explain: if you’re going to challenge conventional wisdom, do it convincingly.  I review submissions for what are essentially perpetual motion machines at the rate of about one per week. And by the way, I read each of them carefully and with no derision, because I’m sure that eventually, mankind will come to an understanding of the cosmos that will make all us 2009 people look quite foolish, as paradigmatic breakthroughs have been doing since the dawn of civilization. Having said that, understand that if your invention suggests 1 Watt in and 2 Watts out, you’re presenting this idea to people who have been taught since they were babies that you’re a liar or a fool.

I believe that many of the so-called laws will, in fact, be broken. Yet I have trouble believing that somewhere, right now, there is a machine that is running above 1.0 efficiency, based on a principle that no one can explain. Sorry to sound cynical, but I need to see it.

I’ll make you a deal: If you can give me clear reason for hope that I can see the first working model of such a device, I’ll take my wattmeter (to support my skepticism) and a bottle of really good champagne (to celebrate the gift to the world if I’m wrong) anywhere in the world for the demonstration.

Again, I hope we can keep the dialog open. I know that there are many people who are far more ardent scientists than I who will be thrilled to know that legimate science has broken yet another “law.” Please keep me informed.

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