Clean Energy Connection

I just spoke with Sam Goodman at his office in New York about the consumer-oriented, content-rich clear energy site he’s developing: Clean Energy Connection. “We bridge the gap between vendors and consumers,” he explained. “There are some great articles out there, but some of them require a degree just to make any sense of this subject. Somebody needs to explain what’s available in plain English.”

“It’s actually a collection of websites or green travel, green hotels, green vehicles, and so on,” Sam continued. “We’ve tried to offer as much content as possible, aimed at providing consumers with all the information they could possible use to make purchasing decisions.”

I asked Sam where he sees the project going. “Eventually you’ll see more input from the consumers themselves, in forums, wiki-media, and so on. There’s really no limit.”

That’s certainly one thing you can say about the renewable energy world: there is no limit.

One comment on “Clean Energy Connection
  1. I think that’s great what you are doing, Sam. I doesn’t speak english on mother tongue level and I still am very interested in learning about how the clean energys all work. I will check out the site and see what I can learn