Moore's Law and Renewable Energy

Moore's Law and Renewable Energy

PhotobucketMy colleague Bill Moore of EV World wrote an excellent article on the likely trajectory for the price of cars and trucks.  In it, he speculated that the prices of electric vehicles (once they are introduced in production quantities) may actually fall steadily, much like the price of consumer electronics — and that this will represent a first-ever event in automotive history.

I agree.  In fact, I’m quite certain that we’ll see this effect, as it’s essentially guaranteed by Moore’s Law – (named for Intel co-founder Gordon Moore — no relation to Bill — the idea that the sophistication of technology rises and its price falls exponentially over time).

I’m also sure we’ll see this same phenomenon at work driving down in the price of renewable energy. The cost of energy from the burning of fossil fuels is rooted in its ever-shrinking supply, producing prices increases.  On the other hand, the price of renewables is all about technology: semiconductors, advanced materials science, nanotechnology, etc. — all areas that can only improve as the years go by. 

All we have to do is get over the hump associated with ushering oil and coal off the stage. What do you think it will take to accomplish that, do you suppose?

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One comment on “Moore's Law and Renewable Energy
  1. Jim stACk says:

    We have everything in place for EVs and plugin hybrids to really take off except the true price of gas and diesel on the pump. If you look at Europe with $8-10 a gallon that is what you will see in the USA soon. Then it’s perfect for all plugins. PS Please charge Off Peak.