Political Process Reform

Political Process Reform

PhotobucketWriting about the political process, Bob Goldschmidt notes:

The system will never allow campaign finance reform or term limits. However there is a way — individual contributions made to move election results.

It’s interesting that you say this. I personally never contribute to campaigns; I don’t even ask the IRS to send along $2 for me. If I were king of the world, I would reform the election process so dramatically that it would have virtually no resemblance to its current form.  My very first action would be to abolish corporate lobbying.  10 minutes later, I would make political advertising illegal, and force the media to cover all candidates equally and neutrally. 

Frequent guest blogger Dan Conine says, “The people are somnambulant ‘consumers’ who couldn’t care less who lives or dies as long as there are Cheez Doodles on the shelves at WalMart and gas to go get them.” Sadly, this is 100% true — and I can’t change that.  But at least with this reform, these somnambulists would occasionally be bumping into the truth — versus the corporate-controlled garbage that they’re currenly being fed.

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