The Domino Effect in Electric Transportation

The Domino Effect in Electric Transportation

PhotobucketWhen I was a little boy, the concept of the domino effect occupied a large and scary part of the national consciousness. For those too young to remember, the idea at the time was that, if one country in Southeast Asia fell to communism, then surrounding countries — like tumbling dominos — would as well.

50 years later, we see the same concept applied to electric transportation. Examples of entire nations that are replacing internal combustion engines in favor of electric vehicles (EVs) will soon show the world that this migration process is achievable, and serve as working models for the numerous benefits of eradicating petroleum – engendering the envy of all other nations on earth.

Understandably, this transition is occuring first in places where the benefits of electricity vs. gasoline are most pronounced, e.g., islands nations. Witness Liuqiu, an island off the southern coast of Taiwan, which is in the process of spending $15.5 billion to effect this change. Closer to me personally, check out Bermuda and the actions they are taking, partially under my team’s direction, to do the same on a somewhat larger scale.

It won’t be long until the world can see how painless this transition can be, and how a nation can serve as a beacon of leadership to others in the quest for environmental sustainability.

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