Renewable Energy World

Renewable Energy World

PhotobucketIn my quest for a well-balanced presentation of clean energy in my upcoming book, I just spoke with someone whose work I’ve admired for quite a while — Stephen Lacey of Renewable Energy World. We discussed the subject of media, and the optimum approach to developing and distributing unique content in a space that’s changing every minute.

I think of Stephen the way I do PBS’s Charlie Rose: a guy who can conduct an intelligent conversation on hundreds of different subjects.  And as I told him, the aspect of his publication that I find most striking is its bandwidth; there are so many things happening every day on this front, and these people never seem to miss a single one — nor do they simply regurgitate junk news from other sources.

Stephen has invited me to blog on his site, and I’ll certainly be taking him up on that offer. Right now, I plan to confine my remarks there mainly to business-related subjects – perhaps offering tips for his readers on the commercialization of renewable energy business ideas: raising capital, public relations, SEO, Web 2.0 marketing, positioning, branding, sales channels development, and so forth. These are topics that don’t seem to be treated with as much depth and frequency as some other aspects of the migration to clean energy, and I hope they’ll find some resonance with his readers.

If you haven’t yet subscribed to their excellent (and free) newsletter, there’s no time like the present.

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