Global Warming – Hot Topic for Cocktail Parties

Global Warming – Hot Topic for Cocktail Parties

PhotobucketMerry Christmas everyone!

Had a great time at a friend’s “Stop By For a Glass of Chrismas Cheer” party last night; it was an opportunity to meet many wonderful people.  It’s always amusing to get people’s reactions when I’m asked what I do in life.  In almost all cases, people instantly relate to it, perhaps insofar as it touches almost everyone’s political beliefs: global warming is a leftist scam, it’s the apocalypse caused by unbridled capitalism and greed — and everything in between. “I’m just a reporter,” I assure them.

In any case, I was delighted that one guy said, “Oh I have to talk to you about investments.”  When I asked him what he meant, he explained that many people are shut out from investing in the migration to renewables, since so many cutting-edge clean energy companies are private.  I told him I would speak with some of my investment banker/broker-dealer friends about establishing a private placement memorandum to raise money for a group of carefully chosen private companies in need of capital across a range of relevant technologies. 

It’s amazing the ideas you come across with a cup of hot mulled wine in your hand.

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