Near the End of My Book on Renewables

Near the End of My Book on Renewables

PhotobucketWe’ve all had that feeling of exultation as we realize we’re in the home stretch of something that’s been a true odyssey in our lives — perhaps the end of final exams or the last few points of a marathon sports content.  That’s certainly the way I feel about this book I’m finishing up on renewables.  With every interview transcript I edit, I’m that much closer to having this project — and this phase of my life — behind me. 

I have to say that reading over each interview provides me with a new opportunity to learn from the speaker.  And if I’ve done anything  right on this project, it was certainly choosing people to interview who had something to offer: Nobel prize laureates, great authors, industrialists, humanitarians, researchers, educators, and presidential appointees.   By the way, let me again thank 2GreenEnergy readers for the wonderful suggestions they made along these lines. I’ve learned a great deal from every single one of these talks. 

In a way, I’ll miss this project when it’s gone — just like, as a reader, coming to the end of a great novel.  In a way you’re somewhat relieved to have your life back, but in a way, you’re sorry to see the journey come to an end.

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