Sustainable Business Network of Greater Boston – SBN

Sustainable Business Network of Greater Boston – SBN

PhotobucketI just had a marvelous conversation with Loretta White, a deeply committed environmentalist who’s playing a major role within The Sustainable Business Network of Greater Boston (SBN). Founded in 1988, this fine group has been changing the way greater Boston does business ever since, engaging business and community leaders in building economies that are green, local, and fair.

When I got her on the phone yesterday in the afternoon, she told me she’d love to chat, but that she was in Amsterdam. Could I call back tomorrow when she’d be back in the US? Ooops. With eight-hour time difference, it was close to midnight. But Loretta was not the worse for wear. When we resumed out conversation today, I again noticed her unflagging energy level. No jet lag, no whining about the travel, just pure passion for the cause.

I certainly encourage readers to check out their website; I find it amazing how many things can be done to make businesses more sustainable – less based on scarce resources that may not be around forever.

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