Biofuels, Sustainability and the Amazon Rain Forest

Biofuels, Sustainability and the Amazon Rain Forest

PhotobucketI know I’m not alone in my mistrust of the media. Yet I have to think that Time Magazine nailed the biofuels issue in their 2008 article on sustainability and the Amazon rain forest. Particularly telling is the revolting political behavior that forms the basic motivation to create huge biofuels programs – even those that represent a net negative effect on our fragile ecosystem. Once dominant forces become involved and the money to be made passes a critical mass, there is really no power on Earth that can re-insert a bit of reason into the process. Is this really a good idea? Are we causing more problems than we’re solving? No one dares to ask.

According to my understanding, the Chinese have seen through some of the fallacies that can be associated with sustainability — and this is one of them. In China, it’s a felony to convert land that can be used to grow food into space for biofuels. The Chinese want clean energy, and they’re investing heavily to get there, but apparently they’ve thought through some of the consequences of their actions, and they’re not moved by irrational herd-mentality, laissezfaire economics, and American-style back-office corruption that would rape their land and take us all a step further backwards.

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