Why I Wouldn't Buy Tesla

Tesla, the electric sports-car manufacturer, had a very successful IPO yesterday and today the stock continues to rise. Personally, I wouldn’t go near it. Battery technology still has a long way to go. When it does get there –probably in 3-4 years time — people will want “quick charge” capability, something their local electric utilitiy may not be able to provide. Again, just my opinion, but better to avoid a hyped-up company like Tesla and buy into the companies that must and rebuild the world’s high-voltage grid infrastructure, firms like Siemens, ABB and MYR Group.

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One comment on “Why I Wouldn't Buy Tesla
  1. Thanks, Bill. I certainly can’t comment on the stock and its potential — other than to say that you’re certainly correct in that it is “hyped.” However, though you’re right that people want fast-charging, and the whole infrastructure issue has a long way to go, there are so many people who want EVs for local driving that demand will far outstrip supply for the forseeable future. We’ll see.