Adoption Curve for Renewables — Truly "Blowin' in the Wind"

Adoption Curve for Renewables — Truly "Blowin' in the Wind"

I try to read VentureBeat whenever I can, to see what’s happening in the world of capital formation for start-ups in green tech.  Here’s an article that offers a summary of renewable energy trends that you may find useful.

It’s interesting how  many different prognostications there are about the adoption curve for renewables.  One reads some some really wild stuff.  I’m finishing up another white paper along the “tough realities” theme, which concludes with 10 top questions — none of which is really amenable to a hard and fast answer.

To me, all this  shows that the answer truly is “blowin’ in the wind.”  I.e., it’s a function of how fired up we get and demand solutions.  I’m reminded of Henry Kissinger recent statement, “If it weren’t for the wrath of the American people about our presence in Vietnam, we’d STILL BE THERE.”  (emphasis added) That’s an amazing thing for a political leader to admit, isn’t it?

Never think for a minute that you have no voice.

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