[The Vector] Florida’s Progress Energy Program “Save the Watts” Saved $10 Million

Progress Energy Florida claims that its “Save the Watts” program is a success. The Fortune 500 company says in a recent announcement there has been a 45% drop in energy use since it started the program in 2007 through 2009. That is 87,000 megawatt hours in savings. (2010 figures are not yet available.)

Progress Energy reveals that in 2009 its customers participated in 56,000 free home energy checks, the most performed in any year.  The company is headquartered in Raleigh, NC and has 22,000 MW of generation capacity.

The “Save the Watts” program mission is to help 1.6 million Florida customers reduce and conserve energy. The program makes recommendations such as setting thermostats at optimum temperatures (78 in summer and 70 in winter) that can help save on bills. Other recommendations and education include checking refrigerator gaskets, lowering hot water heater temperature settings, and using microwaves instead of stoves to reheat food in summer. Customers who participate in an energy check are eligible for rebates. The rebates help residents replace inefficient hot water heaters, gain more efficient air conditioners and add attic insulation.

“This is a long-term effort on Progress Energy’s part and we look forward to helping our customers save even more money and energy in the years to come,” stated spokesman Tim Leljedal.

The company is involved not only in conservation and savings programs, but in renewable energy as well.  Last year, Progress Energy set up a 2KW wind turbine at Hot Springs Elementary in North Carolina, which incorporates alternative energy curriculum.  It is the first rural wind power program east of the Mississippi.  “Today’s students are tomorrow’s decision makers and we will need their knowledge and innovation to expand the role of renewable energy in the years ahead,” said John Smith, Progress Energy VP in the Carolinas.

The company also sponsors the Progress Energy SunSenseSM schools program. Five finalist schools in 2009-2010 received solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in as part of a partnership between Progress Energy Carolinas and the Carolina Hurricanes Kids ’N Community Foundation.

This hands-on clean energy educational program for middle school and high school students supports innovative ways to use and conserve energy and encourages students to develop innovative energy solutions.

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One comment on “[The Vector] Florida’s Progress Energy Program “Save the Watts” Saved $10 Million
  1. patricia yankowich says:

    We’d like to participate in the energy check to find ways to conserve energy and cut costs for energy. Thank you.