Marketing's Job Sometimes: Do the Obvious

Marketing's Job Sometimes: Do the Obvious

As a marketing consultant, sometimes my job is to avoid making a stupid mistake. As I mentioned the other day, we’re doing a project for an importer of natural and sustainable silk bedding, and discussing the enagement of a celebrity spokesperson who actually favors silk over polycotton.

In my recommendations, I wrote: The choice should be made in favor of an attractive woman with a youthful appearance, preferably one who is known for a considered, deliberate (rather than frivolous, irresponsible) approach to life.  Though the initial list of candidates is fairly long, it’s gets short quickly once this criterion is applied.  As much as we may admire Dustin Hoffman, I think it goes without saying that the world would much rather imagine Scarlett Johansson lying on a silk sheet; the reader is invited to review this photographic comparison if he’s having trouble agreeing with me here. 

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