Global Warming: Getting at the Truth

Global Warming: Getting at the Truth

IRAS in JPL simulatorAs I write in the conclusion to my book: Renewable Energy — Facts and Fantasies, I have no axe to grind on the subject of global warming.  Though I see no grounds on which to argue against the vast majority of climate scientists who have made this subject their life’s work, I think we all need to admit that it’s perfectly possible they’re all wrong.  And you don’t need to be conspiracy theorist of some kind to admit that possiblility; the vast majority of 15th Century geologists sincerely believed that the world was flat.  Besides, as I hope the book amply demonstrates, global climate change only is one of half a dozen reasons to move to renewable energy. 

But I do want to continue to call readers’ attention to material on the subject that I consider to be professionalially constructed and compelling.  On such item was co-written by Erik Conway, a gentleman whose work is chronicling the history of JPL (which, coincidentally, I can see from my back patio from my home here just northwest of Pasadena, CA).   You may want to check out Merchants of Doubt, an exposé of the group of rightwing scientists hell-bent on destroying the cause of environmentalism.

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